Eps. 209 | How Helpers can Get Care They Need: Guest, Holly Oxhandler

Holly Oxhandler is my guest. She is the author of “The Soul of the Helper”

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Eps 119: “Honey and Onions” [Insights for Idealists] Guest, Alessandra Pigni

It’s time for another Wednesday audio delivery of Spark My Muse.

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Today’s guest is Alessandra Pigni. (pronounced: péen – yee)
She will be joining me and the rest of the group selected for the On Being Gathering in February, 2018.

Her book is entitled:
Idealist’s Survival Kit, The: 75 Ways to Prevent Burnout
(The book is published by Parallax Press which is the publisher founded by mindfulness teacher, peace activist, and Vietnamese monk, Thich Nhat Han.)

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