Christmas and New Years Wishes ? (Updated)

I hope Christmas went well. I’m throwing out a question, or two, to you. Take a few seconds and think about your hopes, and wishes…


What do you wish for in the New Year, that can’t be bought? (This doesn’t have to be profound)

And for fun– what is the worst, or silliest Christmas gift you’ve ever gotten? Mine would have to be one of the numerous re-gifts I’ve gotten from family members. It’s hard to pick just one.

One of the stinkers, for me, was the Mickey Mouse red collared polo shirt that exactly matched my husband’s shirt gift. It sported at least 300 Mickey heads, and a USA theme. More tacky than I could handle. Strangely enough, this was NOT a re-gift. It came with a receipt from Sears. When I took both items back, they were worth $1.75. Should I keep them, I thought? Nah! I took the cash and bought a small beverage.

Silly man, Jon Acuff wins so far for silliest gift. Check out his great website.

Enjoy the holidays!

(link to photo source)

Secret Giving as a Spiritual Practice, courtesy of Santa Claus


Bishop St. Nicholas of Myra

Giving in secret is a valuable spiritual practice. Why? Because it gives us the benefit of showing charity, love, and kindness without a public benefit, or selfish personal advantage. Giving in secret allows us to give graciously for the sake of generosity alone; and exercising this activity can help us realize that giving–even as a private practice–is a gift in itself for everyone involved. It is a practice and modeling of grace.

The tradition of giving in secret, especially to the needy, spread worldwide among Christians becasue of the influence St. Nicholas. That is, Nicholas of Myra, a saint, and Bishop of Myra(Demre, in Lycia, part of modern-day Turkey). c. 270 AD-December 6, 347 AD. 

This video was created and sent as a Christmas greeting from a business associate, Ed Redding (of R&D Communications) and I just had to share it with you. It’s a wonderful 5 minute video that makes Santa Claus, and the spirit of Christmas come alive, for people of all ages. Please pass it along.

Advent Season Resource

Right now, Christine Sine at Godspace has many insightful and creative posts, guest posts, and informative that revolve around the Season of Advent. I was delighted to dig around and read it today. I highly encourage you to check it out.

A Prayer for Guidance – Advent Meditation

Thank you for visiting today. I invite you into a short spiritual exercise of prayer and meditation.(It takes 2.5-4 min.)  Simply read over the following almost 1,000 year old prayer, about 3 times, (preferably out loud-even a whisper is fine). Each time think carefully, for 30 seconds or more, about something in the passage that stands out to you, before you re-read. Then, speak with God for a few minutes about the thoughts that came to mind.

Your comments, or reflections about your experience, or this prayer are quite appreciated.

Thank you, and happy Advent Season.

Page 28, Third week of Advent Meditation section-

Holy Bible: Mosaic, Tyndale Publishing, 2009.

Prayer for God’s Guidance

-The Sarum Breviary, 1085

We beseech Thee, O Lord, let our hearts be graciously

enlightened by Thy holy radiance, that we may serve Thee

without fear in holiness and righteousness all the days of 

our life; that so we may escape the darkness of this world,

and by Thy guidance attain the land of eternal brightness;

through Thy mercy, O blessed Lord, who dost live and

govern all things, world without end. Amen.


Advent Article ~Longing a Precursor to Joy~ Schuylkill-News


December issue


Here is the link to the FACEBOOK fan page where the Schuylkill-News is available in its entirety online. This page (see Fidler’s Tree Farm pg) features my December installment of Notes from the Footpath, and focuses on Advent and longing as a precursor to joy. 

Also featured are snippets from the Holy Bible Mosaic.

The print addition of Schuylkill News is available free at these locations.