Wild Beasts and Dragon’s Wine [SSL 295]

Evagrius Ponticus (345-399 CE) was an expert of the inner life. Today, we read from Fr. Gabriel Bunge book on what Evagrius meant by Dragon’s Wine and Angel’s Bread. See companion page (PART 2) for the book link, more on the author, and other info.

Once you listen, visit the companion page for part 2: https://sparkmymuse.substack.com/publish/post/141438980

The logo of the Benedictine Order Initia Nova

To get the spiritual formation book I wrote (The Wild Land Within)… 🎁 ❤️
just click the book or google search the title to get one or a few.

• You can find out about my publisher Broadleaf Books here

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The Inner Life of a Leader [SSL 294]

What makes a good leader?
It’s not what is often measured in quarterly leadership development plans as Jasmine Bellamy tells us. Today, I read her article for the De Pree Center at Fuller.

Once you listen, visit the companion page for part 2: https://sparkmymuse.substack.com/publish/post/141210082

The logo of the Benedictine Order Initia Nova

To get the spiritual formation book I wrote (The Wild Land Within)… 🎁 ❤️
just click the book or google search the title to get one or a few.

• You can find out about my publisher Broadleaf Books here

⭐️What is a Patron? Here are the DETAILS:

Patron supporters chip-in a bit each month to help me offset my expenses and continue creating episodes. Supporting this way ($5 +) entitles you to many perks and goodies that unlock once you begin.

Want to come along side me with support regularly?
This kind of help makes a big difference. It is with great appreciation that I create for my patrons as my “inner circle”.

• OF COURSE Patron supporters ALSO get ALL ACCESS to the Substack (paid) extras! Start here: https://www.patreon.com/

OR make a contribution at PayPal.me/lisacolondelay

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Hidden in Plain Sight [SSL 293]

Today we explore the treasures of deeper mysteries that are a grace. More from Carl McColman.

Once you listen, visit the companion page for part 2: https://sparkmymuse.substack.com/publish/post/140972947

The logo of the Benedictine Order Initia Nova

To get the spiritual formation book I wrote (The Wild Land Within)… 🎁 ❤️
just click the book or google search the title to get one or a few.

• You can find out about my publisher Broadleaf Books here

⭐️What is a Patron? Here are the DETAILS:

Patron supporters chip-in a bit each month to help me offset my expenses and continue creating episodes. Supporting this way ($5 +) entitles you to many perks and goodies that unlock once you begin.

Want to come along side me with support regularly?
This kind of help makes a big difference. It is with great appreciation that I create for my patrons as my “inner circle”.

• OF COURSE Patron supporters ALSO get ALL ACCESS to the Substack (paid) extras! Start here: https://www.patreon.com/

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The Wounded Healer [SSL 292]

Learning from Henri Nouwen how “in our own woundedness, we can become a source of life for others”

Once you listen, visit the companion page for part 2: https://sparkmymuse.substack.com/publish/post/140822405

The logo of the Benedictine Order Initia Nova

To get spiritual formation book I wrote (The Wild Land Within)… 🎁 ❤️
just click the book or google search the title to get one or a few.

• You can find out about my publisher Broadleaf Books here

⭐️What is a Patron? Here are the DETAILS:

Patron supporters chip-in a bit each month to help me offset my expenses and continue creating episodes. Supporting this way ($5 +) entitles you to many perks and goodies that unlock once you begin.

Want to come along side me with support regularly?
This kind of help makes a big difference. It is with great appreciation that I create for my patrons as my “inner circle”.

• OF COURSE Patron supporters ALSO get ALL ACCESS to the Substack (paid) extras! Start here: https://www.patreon.com/

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Eps 225: Guest, Carmen Acevedo Butcher on Brother Lawrence

Today is an unveiling of Carmen’s scintillating new translation of the classic: “Practice of the Presence” about Brother Lawrence (Nicholas Herman).

The featured image of Brother Lawrence is one I co-created using the skills of Artificial Intelligence.

Once you listen, please continue to the companion page for the rest: https://sparkmymuse.substack.com/publish/post/140153086

⭐️What is a Patron? Here are the DETAILS:

Patron supporters chip-in a bit each month to help me offset my expenses and continue creating episodes. Supporting this way ($5 +) entitles you to many perks and goodies that unlock once you begin.

Want to come along side me with support regularly?
This kind of help makes a big difference. It is with great appreciation that I create for my patrons as my “inner circle”.

• OF COURSE Patron supporters ALSO get ALL ACCESS to the Substack (paid) extras! Start here: https://www.patreon.com/

The logo of the Benedictine Order Initia Nova

To get spiritual formation book I write (The Wild Land Within)… 🎁 ❤️
just click the book or google search the title to get one or a few.

• You can find out about my publisher Broadleaf Books here

❤️ Listeners like you make this work possible❤️

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