Eps 81: Long-suffering and unanswered prayer, guest Rhiannon Hall

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Today, my guest is singer/songwriter, writer, and voiceover actor, Rhiannon Hall. This episode will also feature her music and song writing. Listen at the end to hear that treat.




• Read Rhiannon’s article that we discussed in the epsiode

• Rhiannon’s youtube channel featuring songs

• Follow Rhiannon on Twitter

• Read Rhiannon’s blog

• Here’s Rhiannon’s poem mentioned in the episode: 

• Hear Rhiannon song featured in this episode 

MIN 1:00

Rhiannon’s story

MIN 6:00
Doing unhelpful things when people are suffering.

MIN 6:30
“Being with” others as a way to journey with those who are suffering

MIN 9:30
What were her prayers like?

What did she learn?

MIN 14:15
When we devalue suffering…

MIN  17:30
When we don’t have the right words to say…

MIN 21:00
The lamenting and cursing psalms and using the arts to express and fill in the space when words stop working.

MIN 25:30
True art that reflects reality shows both the light and dark aspects of life.

MIN 27:00
When Christian art or music doesn’t reflect the reality of life that also includes the darkness.

MIN 29:30
The Happy Reaper of Pete Rollins – click for the episode with Petehappyreaper

MIN 31:00
Meeting people in their suffering with reality.

MIN 31:30
Why did Rhiannon start going back to church once again?

MIN 33:30
Church as family

MIN 35:30
The 80% guide for determining whether to stay at a church.

MIN 37:30
Being okay with the mess and being willing to stay long-term.

Long-term sufferers need a long-term connection.

MIN 39:00
Finding God in others happens because we are embodied souls.

MAIN 43:00
Being an introvert and being in pain.

MIN 45:30
What’s a new we can pray for people who are suffering or have unresolved problems?

MIN 47:00
The Theology of Disability (PART I and II)

MIN 49:00
Thinking of healing in a specific way or an ablest way.

• Tanya Marlow‘s website

Praying that a family feels loved and received.

MIN 51:00
Praying for shalom healing and “taking our hands off the wheel”.

Praying for generational healing.

MIN 54:00
The magical thinking that’s so common regarding prayer.

MIN 56:00
Bringing our authentic self and honesty to God

MIN 58:00
Are churches the place to find authentic relationships?
A poem from Rhiannon:

• Vicky Beeching

MIN 1:02:00
Rhiannon performs her original music and lyrics 

• Direct link to hear the song 

THANK YOU for listening!
please check out another episode:

Spark My Muse
Spark My Muse
Lisa Colón DeLay

Conversations and enriching content to set alight your inner life and our life together

Published by

Spark My Muse

Lisa Colón DeLay writes often on matters of the attending to the inner life, creating a beloved community, spiritual formation, and consciousness. She is also a designer, teacher, speaker, and host of the weekly broadcast Spark My Muse since 2015. Lisa is Latina (born in Puerto Rico) and holds an MA in Spiritual Formation and is the author of "The Wild Land Within" (Broadleaf Books) and other books.