Hell is For Real…but how hot is it?

…it’s so hot that…

I can’t think of a good joke for this right now. (Feel free to use your wit in the comments section, if you feel inclined.)

The reality of Heaven (that we’ve been discussing in recent posts) pulls into question the validity of the bible’s portrayal of Hell as well.

I think the scorching flames, pitchforks, and undying worms have actually undersold the idea of Hell.

Not that isolation and burning hot sulfur would be fun, but the reality of choosing death over life and the separation from God cannot be caught up in amputated descriptions we ordinarily have.

Who better to elucidate the topic than arguably the foremost New Testament scholar alive today.

Below is the statement not about real keys, or master locks. It’s about the victory of God, and about the hope we have that death is truly conquered.

New International Version (©1984)
I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades. Rev. 1:18

This was not a Christmasy post, was it?

Okay. Time to pull from the archives!

First, remember that Christmas is a time of giving. Here’s my project to give things away (public domain style). There are just a few days left to leave your mark on the world during Advent.

Second. Some needed Christmas humor…okay, it’s semi-dark humor.
Three selections:
1. Funny Santa photo
2. Funny Santa photo 2 (I did a whole week of this last year)
3. (suspicious holiday songs)

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Lisa Colón DeLay, Puerto Rican, born creator who creates products and resources for spiritual formation. She is the host of Spark My Muse podcast since 2015 and author of The Wild Land Within (2021) and The Way of the Desert Elders (2026)

One thought on “Hell is For Real…but how hot is it?”

  1. I think Mr Wright is on to something here… ;)

    I had done a study myself on “Hell” a while ago on my blog.  Some 15 posts or so.  And, while my study was supposed to be about “Hell” – I did get into some other topics somewhat related…and my “theology” is still developing on the topic.

    There are many things, including but certainly not limited to Hell, that western Christianity has dwarfed, morphed, or otherwise skewed….

    I haven’t been religiously following your blog posts Lisa, and I apologize – I have been quite busy lately.  But….I felt I needed to come back and see what you’ve been up to.

    I can actually summarize my thoughts on the reality of Hell in one verse….
    Romans 6:23 says  ‘For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord’.

    To “live” on for all eternity in a state of continual punishment in a place of firey doom and torment seems, to me, to contradict this….

    Sin = Death…while salvation = living forever with Christ.

    On the “flip-side”…(and I believe you bring it up in an earlier post…or will be soon)…is “Heaven” a place too?  (psst…I don’t think it is).

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