I’m researching gatehouses and “doors within doors”. It’s fascinating! England was sure fortified back-in-the-day!
Do you see a metaphor when you see this visual?
What are your thoughts or perspective?
(This is no quiz; there are no right answers. Just looking for your take on this visual)
Update– p.m.
The visual/sense I got from this door image was unexpected. The metaphor was of the big door being too hefty to push open, but the small door–the less grand–the meager entry point is the truest way in. It’s the humble door, and going inside will require a blow to the pride, or be what some would considered undignified. For growth and progress, the small door is needed. We don’t have the strength for the huge one, but a way is provided for us,–if we can get to the point of seeing it.