Happy Birthday, Sophie Marceau

Sophie Marceau or me?

Sophie Marceau ( pronounced <mar-Só> ) is a French actress, writer and director.  Today, a friend and blogging buddy asked me if anyone ever mentioned that I resemble her.

I figured out who she was for certain when I googled her. She’s one of the Bond girls, in “The World is Not Enough” (1999) and has acted in 35 films.

This has to be one of the nicest comments said (inadvertently, mind you) on my Birthday, since…well, maybe the early 1990s.

Neither me nor Sophie can help how we look (to a certain extent), but it’s still a nice boost to hear an affable comment like that, on a day when one considers the aging process in more depth. To be honest, I didn’t think I’d be affected so deeply, let alone bother to blog about it. But, it goes to show just how far kind words can go, especially on special days. Let’s remember that concept today. :)

So, on this “special day”, I want to take a little time, right now, to thank all of you for reading the posts here. You, make it a joy. May you be blessed.


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Lisa Colón DeLay, Puerto Rican, born creator who creates products and resources for spiritual formation. She is the host of Spark My Muse podcast since 2015 and author of The Wild Land Within (2021) and The Way of the Desert Elders (2026)

7 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Sophie Marceau”

  1. You say it’s your birthday?
    It’s my birthday too, yeah!

    Happy birthday, Lisa :)

  2. I thought the same thing when I saw the picture! Same hair, great brown eyes. Even the lips, I do dare say!

  3. Pride is so insidious (in my case, not yours). I was out sharing the Gospel with my pastor when a potential convert told me I looked like Kevin Costner. I blew it off as silly and vain – until the next day when I gave into the temptation to Google him. I was flattered until I realized that he’s 20 years older than me (and way better looking than me, according to my wife.)

    Somebody also once told me I looked like Nicholas Cage. “Whatever,” I said in an annoyed way – but there I was the next Saturday sitting in a theatre with my daughter watching some horribly dumb movie called National Treasure with a secret smug smirk on my face.

    One time a waitress at a restaurant told me I looked like Matt Laurer. It was the only time I’ve ever been early for work because I got up early to catch the beginning of his morning show the next day. Ugh, vanity of vanities.

  4. So really, we’re pretty much the same. That tiny off-the-cuff question buoyed me for the whole day. (It’s pretty ridiculous. )

    So–Right now, I’m trying to picture the combo of Costner, Luarer, and Cage…

  5. My wife says the combo of Cage, Costner, and Laurer is the creepy bug-eyed guy from the TV show lost who was always manipulating everyone but still managed to get beaten to a pulp in almost every episode. That’s who she says I REALLY look like. I should have kept it to myself and quit while I was ahead. She has a wonderful way of bringing me back to reality. And, not to add to your buoyancy, but you actually DO look like your celebrity twin.

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