Like this sign, we all have sharp edges, but we seldom advertise as well.
Here the main fact: People are shambolic. You are, I am, and anybody else you can of think is too, at least in some way.
I like that “shambolic” is a word. I really do. Words sometimes excite me like a day trip to Atlantic City might enthuse a slots player. When I find a word that’s a good fit, or a new word I’ve never come across, I feel I’m part of a small but effective coup that has just taken back a fortress in Mediocre Illocution Land. I believe that’s somewhere between Middle Earth, Krypton, and the Death Star, but I’m not positive.
Shambolic basically means something or someone that is emblematic of being in shambles.
The cold hard truth is that people are either in the middle of being shambolic, just coming out of being shambolic–in the same manner as a person whose ferocious fever has just broken (quite ill, but just a bit better), or worst of all: one can be a person who is headed right for a shambolic state–whether he knows it or not. Actually, I’m sugar-coating it. Each particular circumstance is just half of it, our inherent weaknesses are most are the other half.
I’m sorry I don’t have better news, but this isn’t sunday morning church… I’m not asking for your tithe, so I have no need to butter you up, or put a little pep rally together. I can just tell it to you straight.
I’m not afraid to say, I don’t think there is a cure for being shambolic, despite how we seem to seek one.
Have you ever known, or have been a perfectionist?
Is this classic denial for a shambolic person? Bingo. Darn, kind of an Atlantic City reference/call back….um, not bingo, um…I mean, yes indeed! It is. Denial is what happens when we haven’t figured out what’s really going on fully, or haven’t had the courage to accept it, and move onward–grow.
But this bit of new is our reality. We are mortal and flawed. (Now don’t act liked you are shocked, you’ve known it all along…)
Be this as it may–We don’t have to just muddle through. Yet, being realistic helps us to grow personally and spiritually.
Here are some ideas for struggling through the human condition:
1. Full awareness/Humility.
2. Regularly reminding ourselves of #1 (afore mentioned).
3. Dependence on God (Higher Power, The Great Spirit, The Supreme Being, or whatever word for The Highest One, you prefer that happens to not be you).
4. Prayer. Meditation. Rest. (They’re all closely linked, so I plopped them in #4 together. It’s efficient, okay?)
5. Unaccounted generosity to others.
Many more ideas remain.
What are some others you can think of?