Today a recommendation:
Here is a distinctively Evangelical slant at praying the Scriptures for our children by Thom Turner, using an Eastern Orthodox lens. It is an interesting place to begin exploring this topic, and enact practices like these for our offspring, (or the children in our lives). In this way, we learn how Christians have prayed blessings for children over the centuries, and God is honored by our petitions and praises.
UPDATE new post from Thom:
A Prayer for Our Children: Song One
Posted: 31 Mar 2011 12:09 PM PDT This is the first prayer of “A Prayer for Our Children.” This prayer should be read slowly and meditatively, pausing on each phrase and line break. A brief silence should be held between the call and response. Call Almighty God, you nurture all Christians. Raise my children (insert name of child) to be worthy of your kingdom. Response Just as the Archangel Gabriel was sent to Mary and Joseph to protect Christ from harm, I pray especially for God to intercede in our lives. Be my help, so that I: Raise my children to be earthly angels. Amen |