Eps 87: An Inefficient Conversation with guest Matt Inman

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• Each FRIDAY, guests join me in a conversation.
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Today my guest is podcaster (Inefficiency Podcast) and licensed professional counselor and counselor supervisor, Matt Inman.


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MIN 1:00
Matt’s backstory of getting into his counseling profession

MIN 8:30

Doing therapy and supervising counseling and what made him want to do the Inefficiency podcast.

Therapy is expensive and inefficient, yet meaningful.

MIN 10:30

Our daily lives don’t often give us space to talk about what matters most or to talk about what we really really want.

Creating inefficient hours

What do people really want?

All people have the same “deathbed desire”

Relationship, convictions, and spirituality are the top things that concern many people.

“Did I live my life or someone else’s?”

“Was it okay to have been me?”

“Did I spend my time well?”

A beautiful burden

MIN 13:30

Being truly present

[ictt-tweet-inline hashtags=”” via=””]Relationships are inefficient[/ictt-tweet-inline]

We need to play and be late and not take everything so seriously

MIN 18:00

[ictt-tweet-inline hashtags=”” via=””]Inefficiency as a decision filter[/ictt-tweet-inline]

and exploring what it means in real life because it is a good way to be.

MIN 20:00

Repression and how it changes us. (A rock in a pond)


MIN 22:00

Making good use of what you learn

MIN 24:30

The Hawaii trip and the mind and body connection


MIN 28:00

TIM FERRISS show link (Erik Vance and the amazing world of placebo studies)

MIN 30:00

Disease mind/body connected

Reframing our reality

MIN 33:30

Western ways of seeing the world- silos

The spiritual community Matt is involved with now

Vox Veniae (Matt’s community / church)



The Incarnation is the ultimate act of empathy

MIN 38:30

(Matt is a 9)


[ictt-tweet-inline hashtags=”” via=””]“Disillusion” is a removal of your illusion.[/ictt-tweet-inline]

MIN 40:00

Disillusionment or Delusional ?

MIN 43:00

Kester Brewin

My conversation with Kester:

Using Jesus as a drug

MIN 40:30

God escapes any boundary or encapsulation.

The conversations continue about meaning

MIN 49:30

The connection in dialogue and meaningful conversations that feed us.

Our deathbed desires matter.

MIN 51:00

What’s coming next

To Write Love on her Arms Jamie Tworkowski

Brian McClaren

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