Eps. 228: Guest, Tiffany Dawn; on Leaving Her Tiny Christian Bubble

Tiffany invited me to share about Devotions for her YouTube and podcasting series. It’s for Season Three of her program called Outgrowing the Good Christian Girl podcast. So, I couldn’t pass up the chance to turn the tables and interview her for Spark My Muse.

• Please remember you can be an ongoing Patron (supporter) by going here ⬇️:


You are invited to encounter the spiritual formation book I wrote called The Wild Land Within
🎁 ❤️ 
Just click the book or google search the title to get one, or get a few for a book club.
I’m happy to meet up with your group to say “hello” and answer your questions and hear your thoughts.

• You can find out about my publisher Broadleaf Books here

⭐️What is a Patron? Here are the DETAILS:

Patron supporters chip-in a bit each month to help me offset my expenses and continue creating episodes. Supporting this way ($5 +) entitles you to many posts, perks, and goodies that unlock once you begin.

• Remember, paid Patron supporters ALSO get ALL ACCESS to the Substack (paid) extras!
Start here: https://www.patreon.com/

OR make a one-time contribution at PayPal.me/lisacolondelay

• It’s listeners like you make this work possible. 

You can help out by sharing the program and rating/reviewing it on iTunes or other outlets.
Thank you very much.

Eps 226 – Guest, Cassidy Hall: Queering Contemplation

Today is a returning guest, this time to discuss a myriad of topics from her new book from Broadleaf Books.

Queer is the way I tilt my head to look at the world,” says Cassidy.

What are ways we can get away from anything that moves us away from interdependence? Today we find out.

Once you listen, please continue to the companion page for all the rest: https://sparkmymuse.substack.com/publish/post/140153086

This kind of support unlocks for you many extras on that site. At the patreon $5 and up level this includes everything on the paid level at the Substack site also!

Don’t forget to get the spiritual formation book I wrote called The Wild Land Within 🎁 ❤️ 
Just click the book or google search the title to get one. Or get a few for a book club. I love to pop in via Zoom to say “hello” to your group and answer your questions and hear your thoughts❤️

⭐️ Do you know shat a Patron is?

Here are the DETAILS:

Patron supporters chip-in a bit each month to help me offset my expenses and continue creating episodes. Just $1 is all it takes.

• Remember, Patron supporters (at $5 and up)
ALSO get ALL ACCESS to the Substack (paid) extras! Start here: https://www.patreon.com/

OR make a one-time contribution at PayPal.me/lisacolondelay

• Listeners like you make this work possible. 

Here’s how to help out:

1. Share the program with another person today.

2. Leave a good Rating/ Write a Review on iTunes for the podcast.

Free People Free People | Blaine Hogan: Exit the Cave [SSL 274]

At long last, I bring you a reading from author, artist, actor, and film director Blaine Hogan’s inspiring and honest book: Exit the Cave!

Find the companion page for extras.

A portion is free. Financial contributors at this link will also get a chance to be in conversation and see special things I don’t put out in public.


You you’d like to give, go to PayPal.me/lisacolondelay

You can get my book for you or a friend here: tiny.cc/wildland

• Patron supporters chip-in a bit each month.
Want to come along side and help?
This kind of support makes a big difference.

• And Patron supporters DO get ALL ACCESS to the Substack extras!

Listeners like you make this work possible.

Here’s how to help:

1. Share the program with another person today.

2. Leave a Rating/ Write a Review on iTunes for the podcast.

Eps. 167: The Good People Effect

My guest is Michael Barticel, the host of the Good People Effect podcast.

Hear my conversation with Michael on his podcast HERE.

Listen now with the AUDIO PLAYER:

There is MORE for this episode like images of the illuminated manuscripts of the Lindisfarne gospels! Support the program with $1 and unlock a weekly Access Pass now, right HERE.

Consider a contribution of any-sized gift to help keep the program running.

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Max, King of the Wild Things [SSL134]

Today on Spark My Muse I feature a reading of one of my most favorite books “Where the Things Are” by Maurice Sendak
Contribute a small amount and… • Get extras for this episode and access to over 200 posts, HERE.

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