Birds of a feather…or opposites attract?

Maybe both are true. Maybe at different times, each one is true. When I see a pack of mean girls at the mall, I think, “birds of a feather…,” or “misery loves company.”


On the flip side, in certain instances we are drawn to others with characteristics absent in ourselves, and, to me, this is a good thing. A sage/spiritual director, a mentor, a spouse, or a friend, may seem more intriguing because they posses traits and qualities we admire, but have not quite yet mastered. From them we learn a lot, when we are willing. And if they are wise, they also learn.

The comfort from being around people like us can be soothing, and smoother sailing, but it will not produce the kind of growth that healthy conflict can. The smoothing of the rough edges happens best during the interaction of dissimilar personalities. When there is mutual respect, very beneficial outcomes, personal growth, spiritual growth, and learning are the consistent result of contrasting personalities.

Reflection question:

Who has been the most beneficial in your life who was not like you, and what was the lesson from them that you appreciated most?

(feel free to leave a comment.)

Ways of Examen for greater fulfillment

The practice of Examen (pronounced: EGGS-aye-men) brings our living and our growth into focus. It helps us see God, (and the Divine presence) in our day, and/or helps us see far more meaning in our day than we could by merely living without really noticing.

For me, the practice of Examen has sometimes turned self-critical, and produced guilt, instead of helped me see God and his encouragement. My spiritual director Lenoir Wible offered me her notes from her teacher, that are a more positive slant on the ways of Examen. It’s quite beneficial–even life-changing.

Remember God sings over you.

Give it a try for a week or so, and tell me if it’s helpful.
Have you ever tried the spiritual practice of Examen before?
(Chime in with your comments…)

Consciousness Examen

  • In the morning, upon awakening:
    Ask The Divine, Light of the World, to walk with you throughout the day.In the evening, before sleep:
  • 1. Briefly review your day.
  • 2. Thank God for the specific gift of the day.
  • 3. Celebrate God’s undefeated love at those moments of the day when you were loving or loved.
  • 4. Celebrate God’s undefeated love at those moments when you were less than loving – and hear God say to you: “I know that and I love you!”
  • 5. Ask yourself “What grace am I being invited to ask for?”
  • “What would life look like were that grace given?
  • Sit with this and ponder the answer with prayerful thanksgiving
