An Altar in the World: Feeling Pain [SSL 326]

A powerful reading and short reflection on the incarnational aspects of pain from the fantastic book An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith by Barbara Brown Taylor.

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Eps 222. Spiritual Practices for Soul Care — 40 Ways to Deepen Your Faith: Dr Barbara L Peacock

Enjoy my conversation with Dr Barbara L. Peacock. Her insights and wisdom as well as her new book give us paths to spiritual wholeness.

The extras are free today and contain links —book, websites and there’s also some special news!


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Eps 219: Guest, Aundi Kolber: Strong Like Water

Aundi Kolber

Trauma therapist Aundi Kolber is my guest. With her book Strong Like Water, Kolber builds from her critically-acclaimed and much-beloved first book called Try Softer. Her work has been healing and life-giving to many including myself.

(Book links are Amazon affiliate links)

(The Substack and Patreon links below have extras—including the latest work from Puerto Rico!)

(preview for free)
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2. Buy Lisa’s book The Wild Land Within []

Eps 211: Shaky Ground and Deconstructing; Guest, Traci Rhoades

My conversation with Traci Rhoades on her new book is perfect if you’ve felt like you’ve been on some sort of shaky ground. ⬇️

(The Substack and Patreon links below have links to Traci and the things we spoke of)

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What Do Efforts Earn? | Gary W. Moon on Dallas Willard [SSL 238]

Today I’m featuring Dallas Willard’s thoughts on transformation via the recent work of Gary W. Moon. Be sure to get the extras to this episode at the links below the audio player. ⬇️

(Featured music is by Ketsa. Track: Journey Near Complete)

SUBSTACK EXTRAS ! (for newsletter subscribers; free option also available):

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