5 Reasons You can’t Fix People

creative commons photo. click for attribution.
  • (#1) Sorry to be blunt, but it’s just not your job. It never was.
  • (#2) You’re pretty crappy at fixing yourself.
    If you were good at fixing yourself, you would’t want to fix other people.
    In them (the “un-fixed”) you see yourself.
  • (#3) You don’t have that kind of power. It’s inappropriate to think you do.
  • (#4) People resent the condescension, so even if you try to be kind in the fixing it’s counterproductive.
  • (#5) People are supposed to have some unfixable spots.
    I write about “broken jars” here.

What are the alternatives?

  • Walk with people
  • Be a good influence
  • listen more
  • love more
  • learn more
What are some reasons or alternatives for you?

#PickMeEllen (Trying to help my neighbor boy get a wheelchair lift)

#PickMeEllen is Ellen Degeneres‘ project to spread some Christmas spirit. People tweet their requests using that hashtag. A few people will be chosen for Christmas surprises.

Please help me get a message to Ellen that my neighbor needs a wheel chair lift very badly. His mom carries him up the stairs from the road over her shoulder a few times per day. The railing is unusable and the stairs are cracked. She will fall, it’s only a matter of when. It’s very dangerous for her and him. I think it’s a great Christmas project to help them, and I need your help.Tweet this article, or contact the Ellen show (link on her name above.)

Hey, If I can’t get Ellen to be my Santa, will you help, if I set up a fund to raise money for Kristian?

Tweet this story, link to it, or do something to help about this sweet kid!

super steep stairs, crappy railing, pre-accident spot for Kristian and his mom


Kristian is 15 (he looks like a NiNJA in this pose a little, but actually he can't walk)

Coming soon: “NiNJA Interviews”

NiNJA What?
A series of 5-6 min. interviews.

Creatives, writers, bloggers, humorous types, thought leaders, & fav ppl.

Within 1 week (and then continuing)

Who’s in them?
So far this is by invitation only. They are surprises, hence the NiNJA theme. Featured interviewee are allowed to Nominate new interviewees.

Can I get a “NiNJA interview”…I’m super cool?

The coveted Nominee Badge

Maybe. If you wish to be considered…contact a featured interviewee and seek a nomination from them. If they agree to sponsor you, they can even send you a Nominee Badge for your website.

Send me a link your website, and/or pitch to me (under 100 words) and tell me what you have to say in a “NiNJA interview”. (Such as a creative idea, a useful tip, a book/film/project/album/art work, or something else that falls into the awesomeness category.) These pitch ideas won’t have the sway that a Nomination has, and I cannot accommodate every request, (NiNJAs are an elite bunch after all). However, I’ll be in touch within 72 hours, if I’m interested, because you have wowed me.

Thank you. That is all.

5 Things I want to Teach my Kids this Christmas

1. People always matter more than things.

2. Be grateful because you are blessed. Many will have a sad or lonely Christmastime.

3. Giving causes joy (which is sturdy happiness).

4. Hope came as a baby. Hope is how we carry on. Sometimes lighting a candle helps us remember this.

5. Hugs and kisses make some of the best gifts.

What Things do you want to teach your kids this Christmas? No kids? Then leave your suggestions for the rest of us blind beggars.