On Using Better Words – 5 Tips

If you are using some of these words, you may want to rethink your profile bios on Facebook, Twitter, and the rest.

Avoid being hackneyed. Freshen. Liven it up.

Here are my FIVE Tips and a cool slide share I found on overused words.
May you really enjoy it!

1. Show the real you. (Are you fun, classy, funny, nerdy, crafty? Let it show in your bio.)

2. Be memorable. (Stand out in a good way. Be the highlight of someone’s day.)

3. Reverse-engineer what someone else is doing well and add your twist.

4. Limit the Obvious (It’s just dull.)

5. Remember your Target (Who are you hoping reads it? Speak to them, first.)


(So, you have to be responsible to not use the buzzword responsible. Got it.)
I hope you are glad you stopped by. Keep in touch…contact me to say hi, or linkup for future updates!

On Senseless Critics

Critics are people who think they know better.

Haters are people trying to bring you down.

Listen to the critics, but only if they have earned your trust through genuine expertise or through a bond of friendship.

Haters, well, first of all don’t be one, and second of all don’t feed the monsters, if you find them. They’re incurable.

James Clear wrote a good piece on it here and I made a quote he over heard into a snazzy inspirational thingy.
