Eps. 191: Awakened by Death to Living; Guest, Christiana Peterson

My guest today is author and returning guest Christiana Peterson; and we are conversing about her book “Awakened by Death Life-Giving Lessons from the Mystics” Find my notes for this episode and extras normally when you contribute as a supporter for a tiny amount, but this time they are free: https://www.patreon.com/posts/46214189

To hear our first conversation about her book “Mystics and Misfits: Meeting God through St. Francis and Other Unlikely Saints” (Episode 137) go here: https://lisadelay.com/blog/blog/eps-137-writing-letters-to-the-misfit-mystics-guest-christiana-n-peterson
Reading REMINDER! JANUARY 2021 Selection— is
Revolutions of the Heart: Literary, Cultural & Spiritual by Yahia Lababidi
Feb 3 – is the LIVE STREAM book club discussion- It’s free to come, but you need to save your spot. Click HERE to do that.

If you missed the author discussion (JAN 6) of “The Great Belonging” by Charlotte Donlon, you can watch it here! (sparkmymuse.com) powered by Crowdcast
• SparkMyMuse.com contains over 368 audio episodes you can hear, an online store, and many resources. Visit. Roam. And Enjoy! 🚩My book “The Wild Land Within” is about discovering the unknown landscape of the heart and is NOW Available for Pre-order at tiny.cc/wildINDIE. Find out more!
If you’d like to support me with defraying the cost of production, I’m delighted to have your help! PayPal.me/lisacolondelay

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Spark My Muse
Lisa Colón DeLay

Conversations and enriching content to set alight your inner life and our life together

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Lisa Colón DeLay, Puerto Rican, born creator who creates products and resources for spiritual formation. She is the host of Spark My Muse podcast since 2015 and author of The Wild Land Within (2021) and The Way of the Desert Elders (2026)