Jump starting human connection: 3 simple steps


In the last two posts I talked about numbness.

Here and here. (if you missed them, read them. It’ll help a lot.)

The solution is to connect with others, in real life…but here’s a way to jump start that, because it can be harder to do than it seems.


1. Open a new document or grab a notebook & pen (easy-peasey). Writing it down is the secret sauce. Seriously

2. List your 3-5 closest relationships. …go ahead, do it! It’ll only take a second.

3. List several blessings and rewards associated with each one. (This is the fun part. It’ll make you happier, I promise.)


So, think about it. You are blessed. What would you like to do with and for those people in your life?

Who else would you like to know better and get closer to?

What one thing will you do to make a step toward that TODAY?
(It just takes one thing to get an A+ today! GO. FOR. IT.)

Want to upgrade the experience and reflect on your life more deeply?

I recommend this book I’m using right now.

(Don’t miss the next post

    coming soon

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(photo source)

Published by

Spark My Muse

Lisa Colón DeLay writes often on matters of the attending to the inner life, creating a beloved community, spiritual formation, and consciousness. She is also a designer, teacher, speaker, and host of the weekly broadcast Spark My Muse since 2015. Lisa is Latina (born in Puerto Rico) and holds an MA in Spiritual Formation and is the author of "The Wild Land Within" (Broadleaf Books) and other books.