MAGIC Mellon!

Look what I found when I cut open this cantaloupe (or for you people in Iowa, think: “MUSK Mellon” ) .

So, maybe Voldemort practiced on fruit before he got to Harry Potter?

I know what you’re thinking, “Magic!”

Lightening bolt scar on Harry Potter's mellon.

Upon closer inspection I saw the cause of this odd lightening bolt phenomenon. A seed. A seed braking free!

My knife cut the seed in half to best reveal its strange path “toward the edge”. I’ve never seen anything like it, have you? I nearly starting dialing J. K. Rowling for an explanation.

Sometimes leaving the safety of the group, to make a break for it is downright magical. It’s extraordinary. Have you ever had to make a “magical moment” happen?

YOUR mission: Tell me something “magical” you’ve seen lately! I’ll give you until the end of the day!


Published by

Spark My Muse

Lisa Colón DeLay writes often on matters of the attending to the inner life, creating a beloved community, spiritual formation, and consciousness. She is also a designer, teacher, speaker, and host of the weekly broadcast Spark My Muse since 2015. Lisa is Latina (born in Puerto Rico) and holds an MA in Spiritual Formation and is the author of "The Wild Land Within" (Broadleaf Books) and other books.

6 thoughts on “MAGIC Mellon!”

  1. Lisa, I swear sometimes I think the lightning-bolt scar is on the INSIDE of your head! Maybe YOU’RE my encounter with magic.

  2. A couple of quotes that come to mind, one from the movie The Majestic~That’s why we call it The Majestic. Any man, woman, child could buy their ticket, walk right in. Here they’d be, here we’d be. “Yes sir, yes ma’am. Enjoy the show.” And in they’d come entering a palace, like in a dream, like in heaven. Maybe you had worries and problems out there, but once you came through those doors, they didn’t matter anymore. And you know why? Chaplin, that’s why. And Keaton and Lloyd. Garbo, Gable, and Lombard, and Jimmy Stewart and Jimmy Cagney. Fred and Ginger. They were gods. And they lived up there. That was Olympus. Would you remember if I told you how lucky we felt just to be here? To have the privilege of watching them. I mean, this television thing. Why would you want to stay at home and watch a little box? Because it’s convenient? Because you don’t have to get dressed up, because you could just sit there? I mean, how can you call that entertainment, alone in your living room? Where’s the other people? Where’s the audience? Where’s the magic? I’ll tell you, in a place like this, the magic is all around you. The trick is to see it.

    And the other which in my opinion is very magical much like Lucy from the Lion Witch and the Wardrobe when she stepped out of the wardrobe into Narni, the following is my quote~Many of my siblings who are choosing to accept his invitation to follow His leading them out of the matrix of religion and into something so much more than a great story, into a journey and adventure that dreams can’t compete with, are in an extremely fragile place.

    All of the fixed landmarks and sign posts that at that time spelled security for them have been mostly removed, they are being drawn almost compelled to keep going forward, where to they are not certain, and yet an irresistible knowing and gnawing persists, just follow Me!

  3. These are some quality comments, boys. Thank you!
    Oh, except for you, Charlie. LOL! Unless you have a uterus, I’m not terribly impressed by your “donation” to your daughter’s existence. However, mother’s day is coming Sunday, and you can redeem yourself by properly pampering her mom, the possessor magical baby making machine. (But, yes, I agree that creation of life seems extraordinarily “magical”!)

    Doug, you’re like a Pegasus of magical awesomeness. So, whatever!

    Richard. Well put. Spot on. Thank you.

  4. Lisa – Regarding your reply to Charlie: Are we to make certain assumptions about the shape of episotomy scars?

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