#41 Reason to take a Road Trip: Giant Roadside Characters

Sometimes life seems to be larger than life…

…especially when we’re talking about humor related to contrasts in size. Behold the giant characters of the roadsides!

It seems Route 66 is dotted with a few more giant roadside characters per mile than other travel routes. Here are just 3:

(the one on the right isn't doing sign language for "day". He's a lumberjack who used to hold an axe)

But, you know what?
It’s not just route 66 with these attractions. America’s byways have lots of them…and really people in places all over the world create outlandish sights to attract attention or visitors.

Does anything else really say, “Buy stuff here!” as well as an oversized lumberjack with an axe?

In my area, this enormous Amish couple sits outside the famed Roadside America. Actually, they sort of frighten me.

What’s the craziest roadside creation you’ve seen?

Now for some spiritual reflection:
If someone was building a giant something to represent your personality, what would it look like?