DAY 5. Weird Santa Photos Week. Santa's Creepy Sidekick, Krampus

Krampus at Perchtenlauf Klagenfurt
Image via Wikipedia

In Germany/Austria, Saint Nick and Krampus go around like a good cop/bad cop team. Krampus, a whip carrying, horned goat demon, with a long red tongue takes the naughty ones, while Santa Claus rewards the good ones. (Notice the whipping switches on his back. THAT’s gonna leave a mark!)

Now we just buy the kids high tech toys as bribes for being well-behaved…?

You Sit on the Throne of Lies. Day 4-Weird Santa Week

The lighting and the faces in this weird Santa photo seems to point to a pre-photo backstory.

My proposal is that just before this was taken, Santa give little Buddy here a rap on the noggin with his gloved knuckle.

Here the kiddo is saying, “Ouch…what the holly, Santa!”

We’d like to read your theory.

Write a caption, or the backstory of this ODD photo!