Secret Project unveiled!

So I wrote some stuff about the wonderful, hobbling, bare-foot, monk Brother Lawrence and how his ways can be of great spiritual help to us.

In these times, as much as any, it’s such a comfort to have a felt awareness of God’s Presence.

It’s now on AMAZON for Kindle. (hey, it’s only $2.99) 

It’s called Life As Prayer: Revived Spirituality Inspired by Ancient Piety.

Oh, and I have 3 more digital books listed too. (Click on “Who’s Lisa” for more info on those.)

(Some long-time readers will remember that the title “Life As Prayer” was the title of my first WordPress blog about 4 years ago. I’ve been at this project for a while. It’s a slow simmer kind of thing. Only now have I decided it was time to make it more broadly available because the technology has reached a point of optimal ease-of-use! Now it’s a perfect time to set it free and see what God does with it.)

It would be really lovely if you could write a review or spread the news if you enjoy it. If you don’t enjoy it, write something awful and spread vicious lies! :)

Or , if you’re just zealous in general about Brother Lawrence or prayer, have at it. That’s good too.

So who out there doesn’t know about Brother Lawrence, anyway? Let me know!

Thank you. More soon, my friends.



(box photo source)

Superb Snail Mail Meets Geocaching!

Welcome to Superb Snail Mail! You found us!

NOW AVAILABLE: Get your own unique Geotracking gemstones.


Hide your gemstone in a geocache spot and then follow the special code from your stone as it treks the globe totally FREE at

Give it to a friend or hide it in a Geocache. This is a lot of family fun!


Trackable Gemstone – 100% FREE SHIPPING in U.S.


STORY & the Little Free Libraries

This photo is a of a “Little Free Library”. Cool idea, huh? Not sure what could be more adorable, aside from a baby or a kitten, or a baby with a kitten.

The power of Story is potent and universal. We’ve all been changed by stories, and they often bring meaning and pleasure to life.

In my ebook, I talk about the 4 themes of God’s Grand Story. It’s not limited to just the Gospel Story, but rather 4 Big Ideas that root our experiences, create hope, add meaning, and reveal the nature of Creator and Redeemer God:

• Creation

• Fall

• Redemption

• Consummation

This idea of Story and the human experience is something I’ve been chewing on for a few months, so my ears perk up a bit when something ties in well.

The STORY conference in Chicago this September is one of those things. It’s especially designed for creators, communicators, and lovers of Story.

I’ll be writing an essay for the STORY Conference attendees Notebook on the topic and beautiful recent phenomenon of Little Free Libraries. Have you heard of them? Hundreds are popping up around the United States and are now in at least 20 other countries. Each small book holder (a mini library, like you see in the photo) can be registered at the website and found through its GPS coordinates. “Take a Book. Leave a Book.” many of them say. The originator of the first one puts it like this: “Libraries big or small we support them all!”

I just spoke with Todd Bol, and I’m writing the Wikipedia entry for this organization, and I’ll be sharing his perspective and the amazing story of this movement in upcoming posts.

Find out more about the Little Free Library movement, and consider constructing one of your own, joining the LFL staff (they need help desperately), or donating to Pay it Forward for a community without library resources, or a neighborhood near you.

To me, the whole this is an example of goodness and generosity within that reflects the grace and redemptive nature of the One who made us.

What a great project to do with your kids, over the summer too, to promote literacy, generosity, and a stronger community!

What are some stories that changed you?

Giveaway Winners and Rolling out the Series!

What a flurry of activity in the last 10 days! The get-the-word-out pre-release giveaway has wrapped up! Thank you for participating!

Tomorrow is the release of Volumes 1-3
[Soul Care for Creators and Communicators Series].

A special thanks to my generous master editor: The fantastic Dr. Doug Jackson. His charity was  labor of love. My writer friends in the Bloggers Series were immensely supportive too. (Click here to read their fine contributions.)

This collection reads fast…like tv…and covers the topics:

• “What is the Soul? & What is Soul Care?”

This premise-building volume gets us to track from the same point onward. That fact is you and I need Soul Care, and we need it now. I’ll explain why.

•  Identity and Belonging

We deal with core needs. This targets how to find your place in this world and in your calling of creating and message-bearing. Without our bearings we’ll get off-track and discouraged. This important message is one you don’t want to miss.
•  The 8 Paths of Learning 

• Utilize the paths for your own growth. Progress faster and better.

• Guide others in a well-rounded process of knowledge and development

• Fresh insights and information on the learning paths you already use

• A potent approach to synthesizing and assimilating learning to produce transformation

Written in a way to amuse and designed in a visual format that reads as fast as tv. You won’t get bogged down and it’s all FREE:

Volumes 1-3 come to you for zilch when you sign up here.
(or with the widget in the sidebar)

A subscription also entitles you to a sweet discount on the entire 5 Volume collection arriving on May 10th. More info on that May 8th.


Subscribers also receive an appendage volume plus a visual resource chart (titled Volume 3.5) that introduces the 5 Learning Styles of the Soul and explains their nature and practical applications. Some stellar photos come with that too.

My friends with creative minds and hearts yearning to bear good news…Help is on the way! Check back tomorrow for the unveiling.

Here’s a sort video that explains the Series.
(All you Sesame Street fans may enjoy the comedic tribute.)

See you tomorrow!

Ebook Launch Giveaway [with cash prize]

This promo is over but all the volumes are now in 1 digital book!