Upcoming SERIES: The Science & Spirituality of HUMOR

grouchoNo, I’m not kidding.

This is happening.

So, what makes something funny?

There’s a whole science behind finding this out. It’s not merely about personal taste.

The science behind might be the butt of the joke, in some ways, but my new series will provoke thought and attempt to answer some questions:

How and why do we find things funny?

What difference can it make to our development and well-being?

How you can get 16-31% funnier.

Why humor helps heal, learn, and grow.

Why and when does humor fail to be funny? and does it matter?

How to develop your sense of humor so unfunny people won’t drive you crazy.

Does a sense of humor reflect something of God in us?

Why do legions of cat video exist?

and plenty of other things.


So far, in researching the science of humor I’ve learned that even babies find things funny.
Okay. That was not a surprise.

I already knew this. For instance, when I would rip junk mail in front of my 6 month old daughter, she’d go into hysteric fits of hilarious laughter. I kept ripping and she kept laughing. Later, when she could talk she mentioned that it wasn’t because of the paper at all. She was thinking of something else that was funny from earlier in the day.

Something filthy.

There’s a biological reason for babies laughing at paper shredding…

The unformulated concept object permanence?

Maybe, or maybe they are just thinking of something filthy.


So, yes, I am starting with baby steps, as it were.

FACT: Humor is universal and germane to humans even at infancy.

(Picture Stone Philips saying that.)


So, yes. In the end, so to speak, babies think peek-a-boo is funny because they are super immature. (like this baby)


 More in the SERIES here

Thanks for reading.



For the latest info on my humor related projects sign up here.

The indefinite place

fogI am in the indefinite place.

Caught between what is and what could be;

Or what is not and what will not be.

Between knowing and belonging.

Between A and B.

The corner–and there’s always one rounding somewhere ahead–isn’t just curve now, it’s in a soup of fog.

Not a kiln of refining fire, but the slow burn of a sauna and that makes you drip and wrings you out.

That wearies you until you can quench something fathoms deep.

Deeper than you know about.

A thirst unquantifiable.

In the indefinite place.