I’m onto another 9 week module in my Leadership studies program and this time the course is
Christians and Contemporary Spirituality
I took this course already in 2009 when getting my first Masters degree (I was concentrating on Spiritual Formation), but this time the starting point is Leadership Studies and the required texts are different. I get to go deeper, and I love that.
To me, the transformation of one’s character is critical to the development of a Leader. Skills and proficiencies don’t matter too much to too many people if the Leader is immature, maladjusted, or just a big jerk.
But learning about formation and seeking it are two different things. It takes intent, knowledge acquisition, and follow through to see progress. Miss any piece of that and you are wasting your time or someone else’s.
So, now the books are ordered and it seems I’m in for a treat! Here’s what I’ll be reading over the next 9 weeks.
These links can get you some great stuff quick!