5 Really Awful Book Titles

The Mel Gibson autobiography ?

There are some awful book titles out there, but the first one in my list tops them all….and the 4 others are made up.

1.”Touched: The Jerry Sandusky Story” (You think I made that up right? I Didn’t.) It’s horrible, but he could have Called it “Penetrating the Tight End”. We’re lucky, aren’t we?

2. Care of Puppies for Fun and Profit: The Michael Vick Biography 

3. Leaking all over the Place: The Julian Assange Story

4. Not Zen Cooking: In the Kitchen with Chef Ramsay

5. Winning: Charlie Sheen In His Own Words

What was the worst book title you’ve heard of?

Feeling creative? Submit an awful title in the comments section.

Path to Porn (part III)

I strongly suggest you read the 2 earlier posts  in this series to get all the context needed for this series. I say this because a blog cannot be exhaustive on a topic, or give important issues a thorough going over. Instead, a blog can be a starting point to open up topics that are overlooked, or glossed over, or downright avoided. The stats say the most pastors look at porn, fairly regularly, when was the last time you heard them admit it?

I hope you’ll comment with your thoughts, or write on the topic yourself, (and share the link, so we can follow along.)

Uncomfortable topics:
In most Christian circles masturbation and pornography…or porn, which is actually not the same…(see “porn” definition from previous post) aren’t discussed, that is, least not until the worst is over. Sex might be discussed, but if it gets personal, or unflattering, well, it seems rare that you’ll hear honesty.

You’ll be hard pressed to find your ladies book club trailing off in that direction. “Well, I was feeling lonely last night, and this Amish romance is so, you know…hot, or whatever…and I just starting imaging myself as Hannah Swartzentruber on a forbidden buggy ride, and it’s all fun and games until someone has an orgasm, ya know. Am I right, ladies?” (My previous ‘Amish Romance’ post here.)

Probably you won’t hear that, right? Not so much.

The internet and other media allow for private voyeurism that trips many of us up. This goes for men and women.

Still, some might say, “This is fairly normal stuff, right?” or “Does it matter?” Things that are typical aren’t equivalent to things that are healthy, necessarily. Involvement in porn (be it sexual or otherwise) is a honey trap. Distracting and eventually toxic to us, and our relationships.

Here’s some of the inter dialogue when we travel the path to porn, and I speak from experience, and my female mind.

If we know the circumstances that lead up to viewing things we shouldn’t, perhaps we won’t get too far down the trail, before we course correct.

Thoughts, feelings, or circumstances involving:

• Feeling rejected/not belonging

• Feeling left out

• Feeling misunderstood

• Envy and Jealousy

• Feeling out of control

• Wish fulfillment/fantasy

• Feeling isolated or lonely

• Anger or bitterness

Share your thoughts on this issue.

+ the Potent Question of the Day: What have been the circumstances of your involvement in viewing voyeuristic or sexual content?

Important note:
While I encourage honesty and confession, this might not be the ideal place to have a “tell all.” Please get into a committed accountability relationship as you work through this journey. Thank you very much for participating in this series, and commenting as much as you are able. And remember that you can always comment here anonymously.)

-Thank you.

Don’t Know Where to Start Your Ministry with the Disabled?

I Corinthians 12:22 In fact, the parts of the (church) body that seem weakest and least important are the most indispensable.

1 in 5 homes has a person with some kind of disability living in it. But they are not a statistic. They are a family who needs you. Sometimes I hear people say, “I’d really like to help, but I don’t know where to start.”


With so many needs, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But, one’s time and resources to help the disabled needn’t be expensive or difficult. The most important thing is showing up and allowing yourself to be used by God.

Many times those families in need want to know someone really cares, more than anything. They probably won’t be able to reach out and ask you for help, in the middle of struggling with their circumstances, but even small and simple efforts can bring them help, joy, and comfort.

Don’t start with a disability. Start with a family.

A Visual Guide to Ministry with the Disabled
I encourage you to use this Visual Guide to Ministry with the Disabled poster. I created it to help ministers and compassionate Christians aid the disabled in crucial ways. You can access it here. Please contact me if you have questions about it. This guide works through a logical progression of needs, and leads up to  interdependence, mutual care and ministry, which is what the Kingdom of God is all about.

This Visual Guide may be printed and distributed as needed, and is under a free use Creative Commons license that you see below.

Make your life be a blessing!

Creative Commons License
“Guide to Ministry with the Disabled” by Lisa Colón DeLay is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Available at docs.google.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available by contacting the creator at http://lisadelay.com.