An inside peek to summer 2015

Look a regular blog post…wow!

If you’ve visited this website over the years, you probably noticed that I’ve usually published a post (article) about 2-3 times per week. Not so this year.

I’m broadening and enhancing my own process of creation this year; I learned how to podcast and I’ve been releasing audio here (and on iTunes and Stitcher) each Wednesday since late April.

• Some fantastic guests have been on the show and some wonderful ones will be coming on the show soon and it’s going to be a lot of fun!

For tiny glimpse…Mako Fujimura, Shane Claiborne, and Nicole Unice will be guests in the next weeks and months, (and plenty more who aren’t as famous but super insightful and interesting as well).

Because, I’ve had the unique experience of working at a winery and vineyard, I have also included a “wine education” segment each show.

• After episode 15, I’ll be pulling that segment out, and adding it back in when (and if) listeners submit questions about wine that they want me to cover on the show.

• I send out an update newsletter 2-3 times per month to alert you to shows and new stuff. So, if you are not on the list…please sign up! (HERE)


Other things I should mention.

• I will be making some things available for patrons only. (sponsors)

Extras, documents, resources, transcripts and other goodies are to be included.

See how to get in on that here.

• I’m hosting a relaxing retreat and gathering for creatives. There’s just 10 spots.
Want to come? Find out more here.

• I have a little summer challenge for you. See if it sparks your creative muse.
Question Quest

• I’m deciding whether or not to release two episodes per week. I need to hear from you. Does one seem like enough, or would you enjoy a double scoop? :)

Will there still be blog posts?

Yes. A few times per month…plus….

• Video updates.

(That’s the plan anyway.)

So, I’d like to hear from you.

1. What are your favorite things here at the site?

2. Which podcasts have you like the most? (and why?)

3. What’s missing?

(Do you have suggestions? I’d like to hear them! Just leave your comments below or contact me privately, here.)

Published by


Lisa Colón DeLay, Puerto Rican, born creator who creates products and resources for spiritual formation. She is the host of Spark My Muse podcast since 2015 and author of The Wild Land Within (2021) and The Way of the Desert Elders (2026)