I really enjoy some blogs out there. I’ll limit my recently read, recommendation list to 10, but I assure you, many more could make the list. In no particular order:
7. Ed Cyzewski
8. Thom Turner
9. http://www.passengerblog.net
Who did I miss?
Gosh…I just realized I haven’t included any women bloggers. That’s seems so odd to me. It’s true that over 75% of my readership is male. I’m kind of like “one of the guys”… but I have a working uterus.
If you are a blogger, promote your blog today. About 1,500 people read this per week. So, it’s some good exposure. Explain what you write about a bit, and include a link.
What are your favorite blogs to read? Tell us.
Thanks for sharing!
I don’t believe in self-promotion. You know, the whole Jesus thing and such. To find out more, read my blog: http://www.warwickfuller.wordpress.com.
Well played, Warrick, the smoothest. HEY EVERYONE. I DO read Warrick’s blog too.
So, like he says, find out more about self-promotion at his blog. ;)
Wow, thanks for the plug Lisa! Super honored. I’ve been thinking lately about how to better promote blogs without creating a huge blog roll on the side of my blog. An occasional post like this may be the way to go.
My mama always said my blog was like a box of chocolates … you never know what you’re gonna get. The Home Front: http://lmbartelt.wordpress.com.
lately I’ve been really enjoying the blog of the pastor who got fired at the height of the Rob Bell controversy- Chadholtz.net – and I legitimately enjoy his blog not just because he’s vogue right now.
My blog is Charlie’s Church of Christ which is non-devotional and is my way of taking a look at what’s going on in the Christian world and offering a non-traditional, critical yet optimistic perspective.
Inspired by my hard-fought victory of successfully holding my breath under water (while slowly swimming laps) for 4 minutes, I began blogging with an emphasis on Biblical swim references:
regressing from the embarrassingly personal:
to the downright pretentious
tried this earlier, comment disappeared.
in no particular order:
By the way, my own blog is at http://www.randomlychad.com
It’s generally about the intersection of life, faith, and art. Put another way, I’m a Christian who writes, thus my faith informs my worldview, and I hope this is what shines through despite som wildly divergent topics.
This is me….self-promoting…myself…for myself….all by my self.
Two of my favorite female bloggers are Ironic Mom http://ironicmom.com and Melissa Brotherton http://melissabrotherton.com .
And I’m at Christian in the Rough http://larryhehn.com .
Thanks, Lisa!
Her Rally to Restore Unity begins this Sunday, including a synchroblog for anyone who wants to participate.
Thanks for the shout out!
One of my favorite bloggers, who also happens to be a Christian, is LaMonique Hamilton.
she’s great. Thx!
I already had my turn, but here’s a great Mother’s Day post from my favorite blogger: http://ihavetobelieve.wordpress.com/
I, on the other hand, do not mind a little self-promotion. It’s only a blog.
Stay blessed…john