Eps 233: Beth Allison Barr; Women in Church Leadership

Beth is back and we have a great conversation about her newest book Becoming The Pastor’s Wife: How Marriage replaced Ordination as a Path to Ministry.

Don’t miss the extras and links here: https://sparkmymuse.substack.com/publish/post/159866213

To hear the bonus material go here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/125168475

The Three Woes [SSL 340]


I’m simulcasting today.
A video is at Little Spark Stack on Substack while an audio version is part of the Spark My Muse RSS podcast feed.

I’m reading about the core wounds we each carry with us from my book The Wild Land Within.

These three woes are something unseen within us, but I’ve been hard at work to bring such places into a visual reality so we can get to know them better. 

Get a map and see how the three core wounds appear on your inner landscape.

Thanks for listening and please share this with others!


I’d love to come along side of you and create a representation of that world. Reach out and begin the process of creating your own map. I’m here if you need me.🛟


Eps 231: Mark S. Burrows on Rilke and the invitation to joy

Mark is back and we spend some time on his two new books—what a delight!

Find his work here: https://amzn.to/3QyQeVm

Extras can be found here: https://sparkmymuse.substack.com/publish/post/157856001

The video of the conversation is available to patreon supporters here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/123040681

[Howard Thurman] Limited Series: Part 11 – FINAL episode!

Imagination, the Angelos of God is how we finish off our wisdom series with Dr Howard Thurman.

Do’n miss these updates and extras are here: https://sparkmymuse.substack.com/publish/post/157438292

Limited Series – part 10 : Howard Thurman: Disciplines of the Spirit | Retaliation and Reconciliation

This and one more installment will bring an end to this series that offers Howard Thurman’s wisdom from 1963 to our time. It’s a time when violence, hate, and othering are quite apparent and hope for human reconciliation in our nation and world seem scant. Thurman’s thoughts on what is needed ring ever true.

To see more images related to this episode and support what I do, go here after you listen. https://sparkmymuse.substack.com/publish/post/153658116