Falling in Love with the Truth (Dr. Wendy Farley) [SSL190]

How demonic systems work to stay powerful and keep outsiders from getting the help and equality due to them. Article by Dr Wendy Farley. • Support this work and find extras here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/51136663
Wendy Farley

Listen now with the AUDIO PLAYER:
View Dr Farley’s wonderful books: https://amzn.to/2QeUPk4 (Amazon affiliate link) Hear our previous conversation: EPS 95 on Three Medieval Women Mystics: https://lisadelay.com/blog/blog/eps-95-medieval-woman-mystics/
LIVE EVENTS: MAY 5 – 7:30pm ET – WATCH REPLAY A preview of the Wild Land Within book through a study of
Desert Father Evagrius Ponticus (345-400 CE)
JUNE 2 – 7:30pm ET
The book club discussion event of Wild Land Within:
You can connect, share passages, thoughts, and ask questions related to the book, or sit back and watch. All welcome- but you must sign up have accesss.

RECENT NEWS! I’m part of  a tech. startup company called Kahana whose service, platform, and capabilities will greatly help me write my next book—and it can help with your work or passion project too.

At Kahana we focus on giving creative people and those with large projects the best possible environment for creation. Take a look; or jump in early and get free-forever access to a workspace option that is simple, frictionless, and distraction-free. Use the reference code FOUNDER. These are limited spots available for a limited time. Secure a Founder Account at Kahana or get more info here at Kahana.blog/founder.
Special Offer, “Wild Land WithinGIFT PACK” ends on 5/31/21 at 12:00 PM. Get it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/wild-land-within-50103212 Here are events related to the Wild Land Within book. I hope you can come or watch the replays! BOOK EVENTS If you’ve read the book, please leave a thoughtful review on Amazon.com or goodreads.com! 🚩 You can help an independent bookshop by shopping here: 🥰 tiny.cc/wildINDIE
DO YOU MAKE CONTRIBUTIONS? • Most everything I create can be enjoyed for little or nothing. Some people tell me they get excited to give when they can. Sound like you? Just pay-what-you’d-like or what you can today to help. It’s appreciated. Thank you. ❤️ • VENMO: venmo.com/lisadelay • PayPal.me/lisacolondelay

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Lisa Colón DeLay

Conversations and enriching content to set alight your inner life and our life together

Watch the replay of MAY 5 – Evagrius Ponticus class https://www.crowdcast.io/e/desert-father-evagrius- 🚩 Get The Wild Land Within GIFT PACK here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/50103212 I’ll send you a customized bookplate to add to your title page and a few other goodies.

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Lisa Colón DeLay, Puerto Rican, born creator who creates products and resources for spiritual formation. She is the host of Spark My Muse podcast since 2015 and author of The Wild Land Within (2021) and The Way of the Desert Elders (2026)