Home Somewhere: Howard Thurman on Human Dignity [SSL 312]

Dr Howard Thurman spoke of prayer as the hunger of the heart and the way we lay claim to our identity

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You are invited to encounter the spiritual formation book I wrote called The Wild Land Within
🎁 ❤️ 
Just click the book or google search the title to get one, or get a few for a book club.
I’m happy to meet up with your group to say “hello” and answer your questions and hear your thoughts.

• You can find out about my publisher Broadleaf Books here

⭐️What is a Patron? Here are the DETAILS:

Patron supporters chip-in a bit each month to help me offset my expenses so I can continue creating. Supporting this way (at $5 +) entitles you to many posts, perks, and goodies that unlock once you begin.

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This kind of help makes a big difference. It is with great appreciation that I create for my patrons as my “inner circle”.

• Remember, Patron supporters ALSO get ALL ACCESS to the Substack (paid) extras!
Start here: https://www.patreon.com/

OR make a one-time contribution at PayPal.me/lisacolondelay

• It’s listeners like you make this work possible. 

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Dancing at the Midnight Hour [SSL 300]

Today, is about dancing in the darkness. Thriving in the middle of chaos. A review by Jordan T. Jones about a book by Rev Dr Otis Moss III. Don’t miss the links and photos at PART 2: the companion page 

The logo of the Benedictine Order Initia Nova

To get the spiritual formation book I wrote (The Wild Land Within)… 🎁 ❤️ 
just click the book or google search the title to get one or a few.

• You can find out about my publisher Broadleaf Books here

⭐️What is a Patron? Here are the DETAILS:

Patron supporters chip-in a bit each month to help me offset my expenses and continue creating episodes. Supporting this way ($5 +) entitles you to many perks and goodies that unlock once you begin.

Want to come along side me with support regularly?
This kind of help makes a big difference. It is with great appreciation that I create for my patrons as my “inner circle”.

• OF COURSE Patron supporters ALSO get ALL ACCESS to the Substack (paid) extras! Start here: https://www.patreon.com/

OR make a contribution at PayPal.me/lisacolondelay

• Listeners like you make this work possible. 

Here’s how to help out:

1. Share the program with another person today.

2. Leave a good Rating/ Write a Review on iTunes for the podcast.

Eps 222. Spiritual Practices for Soul Care — 40 Ways to Deepen Your Faith: Dr Barbara L Peacock

Enjoy my conversation with Dr Barbara L. Peacock. Her insights and wisdom as well as her new book give us paths to spiritual wholeness.

The extras are free today and contain links —book, websites and there’s also some special news!


SUBSTACK extras: https://sparkmymuse.substack.com/publish/post/135850877

• Please help this program grow.

1. Share the program with another person today.

2. Please leave a Rating/ Write a Review on iTunes.

2. Buy Lisa’s book The Wild Land Within [tiny.cc/wildINDIE]

Support monthly by going here (and you get Substack extras ALSO) https://www.patreon.com/posts/87411341

Eps 217: Touch the Earth; guest, Drew Jackson

(The Substack and Patreon links below have extras.)

(preview for free)
SUBSTACK extras:

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• Please help this program grow.

1. Share the program with another person today.

2. Leave a Rating/ Write a Review on iTunes HERE. (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/id988423690&ls)

2. Buy Lisa’s book The Wild Land Within [tiny.cc/wildINDIE]

Eps 216: What Makes You Come Alive (Howard Thurman); guest, Lerita Coleman Brown

photo of Lerita Coleman Brown

(The Substack and Patreon links below have extras.)

(preview for free)
SUBSTACK extras:

Help month-by-month as a Patreon supporter:

• Please help this program grow.

1. Share the program with another person today.

2. Leave a Rating/ Write a Review on iTunes HERE. (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/id988423690&ls)

2. Buy Lisa’s book The Wild Land Within [tiny.cc/wildINDIE]