Giving up my Birthday (for clean water)

I’ve donated my birthday month for @charitywater.

In my case, this means I’m donating $1 for every year I’ve been alive, and I’m asking you to help me celebrate my birthday by helping others whose lives are in danger in Tigray a region of Ethiopia.

That’s right….This year, I don’t want stuff. I don’t care about getting cute cards either or gift certificates.

It would bless me so much to know that you help me to help others.
So, please contribute any amount in my honor, and yours! Let’s be a blessing.

Click the photo for more details about the project!cleanwater


Or go here –> 2013bday to learn more.



Would you like to give up your birthday too? Click here.

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Published by

Spark My Muse

Lisa Colón DeLay writes often on matters of the attending to the inner life, creating a beloved community, spiritual formation, and consciousness. She is also a designer, teacher, speaker, and host of the weekly broadcast Spark My Muse since 2015. Lisa is Latina (born in Puerto Rico) and holds an MA in Spiritual Formation and is the author of "The Wild Land Within" (Broadleaf Books) and other books.