My guest is Khristi Lauren Adams. We will be speaking about topics such as identity, the image of God, finding our authentic self, culture bias, and more as we discuss her book Parable of the Brown Girl: The Sacred Lives of Girls of ColorListen now with the AUDIO PLAYER:
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Steven Hovater, a multi-talented man, is my guest today.
He creates several podcasts. He is a pastor. He makes apps. He is a family man: husband and dad of four (including two adopted daughters). And, as you will hear, he’s a lot of fun to converse with. I hope to have him back in the future as a return guest. Enjoy!
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Spiritual practices and disciplines (mainly prayer)
Rewiring the brain.
How do we want to be in the world in common life.
The fruit of what you create.
When you think a sermon stinks but then it ends up blessing others.
[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]Part of our calling in the world is to join in the creative impulse of the divine.[/ictt-tweet-inline] (click the bird to tweet this!)
How missional living plays out in Steve’s life
Righteousness and Judgment properly understood.
The problem of available work in his area.
The types of work left for humans to do is going away and this changes how we see ourselves.