Calling all Bloggers!


I really enjoy some blogs out there. I’ll limit my recently read, recommendation  list to 10, but I assure you, many more could make the list. In no particular order:

1. Stuff Christians Like.

2. Jesus Needs New PR

3. Wineskin in the Smoke

4. John Lee Saddington

5. Brett McCracken

6. Captain’s Blog

7. Ed Cyzewski

8. Thom Turner


10. Christopher Cocca

Who did I miss?

Gosh…I just realized I haven’t included any women bloggers. That’s seems so odd to me. It’s true that over 75% of my readership is male. I’m kind of like “one of the guys”… but I have a working uterus.

If you are a blogger, promote your blog today. About 1,500 people read this per week. So, it’s some good exposure. Explain what you write about a bit, and include a link.

What are your favorite blogs to read? Tell us.

Thanks for sharing!