Publish on Kindle, like I did.

I have some excitement brewing because I’m affiliated to give you something from Jeff Goin that has really helped me with my writing.

I listened to this audio about how to publish on Kindle and within a week I had 4 digital books housed on the Kindle Store and over 600 downloads! These new readers juiced up my website hits. I thought it would be much harder to make my writing into a digital book. Jeff lays it all out clearly and simply.

I’m so thankful the technology for publishing is now finally easy enough for anyone with a computer to do.

Anyone with a Kindle App or a Kindle Reader can read your stuff with ONE Click. (that’s a ton of people) Plus, there’s the huge benefit of Amazon acting like a search engine and promoting your work. That, my friends, is a coup!

You can do it too, and you’ll be happy you did.

You should know that this Black Friday weekend, there’s an EXTRA 25% off deal running. Click here for the details link get promo code.
(It’s just for the weekend, so grab it now while you can.)

(Yes, the image shown here is like something out of the mid-1990s, with the CD image…but don’t be fooled, Jeff’s advice is easy to understand and it’s up-to-date. There’s no CD; you’ll listen to the audio and be able to digitally publish your stuff in a just few days, just like I did.)

Click here to view more details

(As an affiliate, I will directly benefit from your decision to get this resource.)