Publish on Kindle, like I did.

I have some excitement brewing because I’m affiliated to give you something from Jeff Goin that has really helped me with my writing.

I listened to this audio about how to publish on Kindle and within a week I had 4 digital books housed on the Kindle Store and over 600 downloads! These new readers juiced up my website hits. I thought it would be much harder to make my writing into a digital book. Jeff lays it all out clearly and simply.

I’m so thankful the technology for publishing is now finally easy enough for anyone with a computer to do.

Anyone with a Kindle App or a Kindle Reader can read your stuff with ONE Click. (that’s a ton of people) Plus, there’s the huge benefit of Amazon acting like a search engine and promoting your work. That, my friends, is a coup!

You can do it too, and you’ll be happy you did.

You should know that this Black Friday weekend, there’s an EXTRA 25% off deal running. Click here for the details link get promo code.
(It’s just for the weekend, so grab it now while you can.)

(Yes, the image shown here is like something out of the mid-1990s, with the CD image…but don’t be fooled, Jeff’s advice is easy to understand and it’s up-to-date. There’s no CD; you’ll listen to the audio and be able to digitally publish your stuff in a just few days, just like I did.)

Click here to view more details

(As an affiliate, I will directly benefit from your decision to get this resource.)

All Creation is Theft

Today is about stealing.

Jeff Goings will tell you today that the 6th habit of great writers is their propensity to steal. I agree. They (we) don’t always realize they (we) do it, but at least a bit is stolen.

We all have hidden influencers, as much as we have recognized models we admire or even imitate.

Theft is even more true in terms of creativity, but for an entirely different reason. An important reason.

Namely, origins.

The brilliant thinkers of the ancient world told of the Muses. The daughters of the gods gave mortals inspiration. Creativity was borrowed. Co-opted. It was not a product of spontaneous generation. It neither started nor ended with a human. Genius wasn’t characteristic of a person, but of an influence.

There is but one true source for creation and creativity Theos …deity.

In Christianity, a monotheist Source.

It’s all a heist, my friends. A beautiful heist. The more personal of twist we put on the process and delivery the less it’s identifiable as stealing.

Now, it’s your turn:

Do you agree?
Who or what have been your biggest influencers? 

And what are some of your possible hidden influencers? 

Review of “You Are a Writer, So Start Acting Like One” -by Jeff Goins

Today, I’m neglecting my own ebook launch week to feature another author who is also launching his ebook at the same time. Don’t let today’s post confuse you. You can read yesterday’s post for the scoop on what I’m up to; and remember the get-the-word-out giveaway ends at the stroke of midnight tonight Eastern Standard Time.

Jeff sent me a free pre-released draft of “You Are a Writer, So Start Acting Like One”.

Which is more like a mashup of honest observations, reflections, and snippets.

eBook Summary:
This is a practical advice and how-to book, mixed with some short personal stories, and some material from previous ebook efforts.

Favorite Quote: I love this quote from the foreword concerning red-pen correction marks: “I would cry and brush it off and just accept the fact that I wasn’t a writer, until the day I realized I was one.”

Why I love it: I love this quote because it’s about identity. When you are a Creator or Communicator, you can’t help but be one. It doesn’t matter how full of red pen marks your papers are. Writers write. Creators create. It’s a core need.

That’s Jeff’s story and his book title is something he told himself.
“You Are a Writer, So Start Acting Like One”

This ebook has universal appeal for Creators and Communicators most as a how-I-did-it piece. Jeff reveals the details of what happened when he did as veteran author Steven Pressfield advised concerning “going pro” in his amazing resource:  The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles. This is a vital lesson to learn. Jeff made it work. In this ebook he stresses “…and so can you”.

The parts I didn’t like:
• Perhaps 30% or so of the content is the same information from Jeff’s previous ebooks, which is fine if you haven’t read them, but could be somewhat perturbing if you have. Let the buyer beware.

• I tend to read authors with a greater command of writing craft. His format reads more like a quickly rendered blog post. Some might appreciate the casual style, while others may perhaps surmise hurriedness or inability. It may shrink to personal preference on that part, but an honest appraisal demands I mention it.

One of the best sections is where Jeff unpacks this list:

3 important relationships writers need.

Fans: You need to build meaningful connections with your tribe of followers.

Friends: You need to connect with others who are doing what you are.

Patrons: You need to earn influence with influencers who will support your work.

For whom this book is best:
How’s that for starchy grammar…?

This ebook is best for writers (and other communicators) just starting out who need the some tips and how-tos or need to learn the bones and practical ways to win the attention of editors in order to garner greater readership and establish their platform. It also helps muster one’s courage and gives a good boost to get started and keep going.

Personally: For me (though I’m not just starting out), I liked reading what he did to succeed. I learned that I’m actually doing bunch of things right, and I just need to keep it up to meet with success.

And hey! It’s only $4.99.

What is Blogger Generosity? [And 7 Things Giving Does]

Photo Credit: asenat29 via Compfight

After the April Fool’s prank of telling our congregation that he and his wife were expecting a baby, our paster spoke on the topic of generosity.

I wasn’t fooled because I had previous insider information that “that ship had sailed,” as his wife once put it. So, you bet ‘cha…Mark’s no freighter. He’s strictly a Pleasure Cruiser now. 

He said there are 2 types of people in the word: Givers and Takers. Which one are you?

I thought about this. I thought, I sure hope I’m a giver, and not a jerky taker. 

Then I thought, Everyone must think this.

Then I thought, Hang on a minute, it just can’t be this binary. Sometimes, I give and sometimes I take. Hum. but which do I do more?…Then I felt hungry for barbecue. Whatever.

But, it’s a splendid thing to think about just in case we’re getting too grabby.

Mark said, these 7 things happen when we are givers–When we are generous people.

1. It creates community

2. It defeats materialism

3. It strengthens my fiath

4. It is an eternal investment

5. I get blessed in return

6. It produces contentment

7. It makes more like God (who’s incredibly generous)

Then, I thought, This is a good message for bloggers, too. Really, communicators of any kind. It’s time to get this to the blog.

We can forget this stuff about generosity. We can fail to make our lives, and our online lives generous, simply by not really thinking about it.

I’ve noticed that Jeff Goins is a blogger and writer who is a giver. He’s a big proponent of generosity in the blogging arena (it’s an “arena” right?). He walks the talk, and his blog and platform have truly reaped the rewards.

Who do you think is generous online?

Share your ideas about how we can be more giving online.

Carry out some generosity today. Ask yourself, “How will I be a giver?”

I’ll kick it off. Here’s a new way that I’m being more generous. I added 51 photos to Flikr. They are all free-use with attribution* (Creative Commons). Just click here. (Many more will be added.)


*To clarify what that means, it’s this: You are free and clear to use any image there, no charge, anywhere, if you give me credit (my full name and/or a link is fine) and don’t alter it, or make a profit from it. (Something like I did in this post with the gift picture.)