How Joy Creates Strength [SSL191]

Exploring the means by which joy creates strength to make secure I-Thou interactions and help our endurance.

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This Special Offer, “Wild Land WithinGIFT PACK” ends on 5/31/21 at 12:00 PM. Get it here:

Here are events related to the Wild Land Within book.
I hope you can come or watch the replays!

If you’ve read the book, please leave a thoughtful review on or!

🚩 You can help an independent bookshop by shopping here: 🥰




MAY 5 – 7:30pm ET – WATCH REPLAY
A preview of the Wild Land Within book through a study of

Desert Father Evagrius Ponticus (345-400 CE)
JUNE 2 – 7:30pm ET
The book club discussion event of Wild Land Within:
You can connect, share passages, thoughts, and ask questions related to the book, or sit back and watch. All welcome- but you must sign up have accesss.

How many tabs are open?

When I work on a project, be that a book, an article, or while writing for my podcast, I’m the kind of creator who has 10-15 browser tabs open, files and images cluttering my desktop, and resources propped open from several places. It’s a messy system. It’s no system. But, I’m delighted by a new solution.

It’s called Kahana. A free service, platform, and tools to help with everything I want to make or plan. Optimal organization and clean and undistracted workspace are built-in. Now, just one navigable area holds my whole project that teem with files and resources—and it’s stress-free. What a salvation from wasted time and hassles!

If you’d like to take a look at this free-forever access to a workspace option that is simple, frictionless, and distraction-free, use the reference code FOUNDER.
🚩PLEASE NOTE: These are limited spots on a waiting list and available for a limited time. 
Get you Founder Account at Kahana or get more info here at


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• Most everything I create can be enjoyed for little or nothing.
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It’s appreciated. Thank you. ❤️

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How to Find (and Become) a True Friend [SSL75]

It’s time for another Wednesday audio delivery!

This is Soul School Lesson 75 [SSL75]

Scroll down for the AUDIO PLAYER.

(Feature photo is a Creative Common image by Clem Onojeghou. It was taken in Brighton, UK)

John O’Donohue – writes about “Anam Cara” (Soul Friend)

For more information about this episode and topic, CLICK HERE.

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[ictt-tweet-blockquote]Here’s an audio episode at Spark My Muse that I think you should check out right now![/ictt-tweet-blockquote]

I hope you enjoy the program today.
If you’d like to help me cover my expenses for the show, you can contribute using the PayPal button below.
Thank you, in advance, for your kindness.


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