An Altar in the World: Feeling Pain [SSL 326]

A powerful reading and short reflection on the incarnational aspects of pain from the fantastic book An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith by Barbara Brown Taylor.

Find me also on YouTube and subscribe ⭐️ at the main channel HERE,
especially if you already enjoy YouTube.

Expectation as Patience: Henri Nouwen [SSL325]

Today is about expectation as a gateway to patience AND to joy. A reading from “Out of Solitude” a 1974 work by Henri Nouwen (1932-1996)

Find me also on YouTube and subscribe ⭐️ at the main channel HERE,
especially if you already enjoy YouTube.

Treachery and Remorse [SSL 324]

Today a portion of a lesson I presented this past Sunday at my church on Psalm 51 a lamenting and remorseful poem/song and the background and story of King David’s epic treacheries. It might surprise you.

Find me also on YouTube and subscribe ⭐️go here or subscribe at the main channel HERE,
especially if you already find yourself poking around YoutTube.

Give and Take [ssl 323]

The Challenge of October is Ownership and the Theme for the Quarter is Give and Take. Here’s how we begin to explore and learn from each other.

It’s the final quarter of 2024 and it’s time we link arms and join forces to enrich each other spiritually in more concrete ways. 

I’ve set up a challenge.
It’s not very strenuous, but it’s a way to get us thinking, dialoguing, and moving toward better ways of being. Please, be a part of it. I explain that in the audio today.

❇️ The October Challenge Patreon post I refer to can be found here ⬇️

Don’t Fear the Desert [SSL 322]

I’m featuring the work of Sr. Laura Swan and some wisdom from “The Forgotten Desert Mothers” which is one of her intriguing books. Be sure to go here to find out more after you click play to listen to the episode.

Want to find out the Spiritual Challenge of the month and get some companionship with it? Go here:

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