Rolf Potts is arguably one of the best travel writers in a generation. (According to media outlets and what Rick Steves says anyway.)
Rolf Pott’s newest book “Marco Polo Didn’t Go there” explores more than decade of his extensive travel to 5 continents.
Last year, Rolf went on a No Baggage trip challenge, traveling 30,000 + miles with no luggage, and it got me to thinking how this type of perspective can be applied to everyday life.
His feat begs the question:
What do we really need to have to live well? It turns out, not much.
Fascinated with his pure and simple approach, I contacted him to do a Ninja Interview. He responded positively within minutes to my request. So, stay tuned for what looks to be one of the most interesting people the Ninja Interviews has “attacked”. I get the feeling Adventure is Rolf’s middle name. Visit his site, and see if you don’t agree.
By the way, how many of you know that I went backpacking around Europe? Yep. 11 countries in 28 days, with just $500 and a Eurail pass. In Prague my diet was 85% ice cream cones (because they were ¢15 a piece). Crazy, but true. Hum. Maybe I should share some of those crazy tales sometime soon.
What’s the furthest you’ve been from home?