5 Ways to Make Money in These Hard Times!

One and Two Half Dollars
Eric Gjerde via Compfight

We’re in the worst jobs markets since the Great Depression?

Well over 23 million Americans are out of work, under-employed, or have quit looking for a job completely. It’s horrible, but that’s NOTHING compared to Greece where 1 out of 4 people have no job. There’s riots and everything.

Yet, none of this means things are hopeless. More creativity and persistence is the key to success!

Here are a few ways you may not have thought of to make some extra money. 

1. Crowd-fund

Crowd-funding is where you use social media to fund your business idea or project. Besides Kickstarter.com there’s



Peerbackers | crowdfunding big ideas

(I help people do this. More on that here)

2. Be an Expert

What do you know how to do or what do you a lot about that could help someone?

I like what The Art of Non-Conformity author Chris Guillebeau wrote on this in his post “The Instant Consultant

3. Talk to old friends.

Networking has always been great for getting work. It’s far more effective than looking at want ads. Use your email contacts, or Facebook connections to re-establish ties with old friends while you find out if you could work together or if they have any leads. The closer the relationship, the better this works.

4. Get business cards.

I custom design cards for my clients for about $60 (including printing shipping), but there are places online where you can get them yourself for hardly any investment. List your competencies, and get 500 or more. Then, reach out when you’re out and about, and hand them out. Don’t do this coldly. Really connect and say you’re looking for more work. They might think about you later when they spot an opportunity.

5. Get really ODD jobs

Is there something you wish worked differently?

Is there a service that would make your life easier?

If you see a need then one exists that is larger than just your needs.

Services may have very low overhead and still provide something valuable to people nearby.


Some ODD ideas might involve things like…

• pet care or related services

• specific delivery services (medicines, groceries, party supplies)

• specific cleaning services (decks, laundry, windows)

• after-school care

• salving items for re-sale (it saves someone from cleaning or selling items themselves)

 What was the strangest way you’ve ever made money?