Writing for the 2% -publishing

Screen Shot 2015-03-28 at 10.39.42 AMThe cost is prohibitive. Monetary success is doubtful. Potential buyers (probably you) will wince, and balk and hem and haw and most will click away…

So why bother?
I wrote a book for the 2%.
It’s something I had to write down for my kids, and to leave something behind that I want to be most remembered for. That path means you have to do it differently, because–to put in bluntly–publishers want a sure-sell and are trying to make money. They don’t care about the things I care about.

I raised the money to make this book. In 2 days on Kickstarter I got the funds to do design it and do a small run and mail off copies to those who funded it. Now I’ve put it on the market at a high price. Chances are you won’t want to buy it. If you do, you will understand why I had to do it. There just isn’t another way–and that’s okay.

I give (and have given) a lot of things away here at the website. Resources, information, tips, ebooks, graphics, etc, and I plan to write more things and create more things at modest prices. But, not for this one. It’s high-end and worth a different route.

If you get a copy, let me know what you liked the best about the book.
I hope you enjoy it!


5 Tips for Writers & Creators in 2014 (Infographic)

Valuable Content!

I’m making it my 2014 goal to give my writer and creator friends a lot of valuable content this year to help you get your message out, potently, all year long.


This will be a big year for you. You don’t just have to waste hours on Facebook, playing your phone Apps, or punching out blog posts 47 people read. You can offer related products and services based on your strong suits and build momentum.

If you’d like to gain a bit more recognition or make money on the side,  I’ll give you a bunch of ways and ideas for doing that…and no, the point isn’t to somehow get you to buy something from me. I may offer some useful, related things to purchase, but most everything will be free.


More importantly, I’ll help you with the marketing and web optimization side of things, so you don’t have to spend hours researching it for yourself. That’s like having two jobs.


I was reading Preston Yancey’s blog post the other day where he laments, perhaps even sincerely,

I #don’t hashtag because #ithinkitmakesmelooklikeanidiot and I don’t #knowhowtodoit #right.

Maybe he shouldn’t have to worry about all that. It got me thinking that some people are in the boat right with him…and Jesus,  Buddha, and baked goods.

If this is you…breathe in deeply and calmly. Slowly sip your coffee and relax. It will be okay.


You might not know all the big changes. For instance, did you know that Google has changed its main algorithm again? It affect searches. . .a lot. It’s had ripples…like layoffs. Some companies died because of it.

Getting noticed is harder than ever, if you care about that.

And unless you have a hefty following already, then, it matters.

(Rest assured, Preston does have a big following or Zondervan wouldn’t hand him two book deals. They aren’t people of faith precisely. They make take some shanks, but they don’t gamble. They are people who have a business to write about faith in a way that will sell, so they can have bread on their tables…in the wilderness, or, and more likely, in the classy subdivisions of city suburb in the Midwest.) You probably aren’t in Preston’s league.

If you want to just write for fun and the few friends that you attract from Facebook when FB feels like allowing your stuff in the news feed now, that’s cool. But maybe you’re hoping that doing something you love, like writing or creating, can also help you pay the internet bill a bit more, or even get you more exciting opportunities. That’s what worked for me. I write for other people more than ever at this point; and it’s fun to get paid for it. Really. It is.

You’ll find more of that sort of help here in 2014 in addition to other more familiar things you read here when I wax of the unseen and lasting things and get to use this space to explore, in both writing and deeper thoughts.

But, this is the announcement that I’m ready to help and share the info I’ve researched and the work I do in the MARCOM world.


To get us kicked off, these are the 5 Best Tips for starting your year off right. These trends are important to consider as you work and create in a noisy world.

Considering writing a blog post about the challenges of changing technology. What might you do or not do about it this year. I’ve made this infographic easy to embed to help you get started, if you want it.



Did that help you? I hope so!

Do you have writer or creator friends, too?
You can share the knowledge. Go ahead and embed this right on your site, if you’d like.

See you soon.xo

(connect with me or sign up for updates in the sidebar)

Video followup: Moms Don’t Wait for that Book Deal

Last week in this post, I told you about some of the problems with blogging to get a book deal and the misconceptions that surround the industry of book publishing.

I mentioned that I would be speaking more about ways to make money writing that don’t include some of the typical stuff–like snagging a big book deal, freelance writing, or selling ads on your website. Below is the preview of the first installment–it’s in video form.

There will be much more and we’ll go into depth too.

This won’t be something to read or watch and then move on from. You’ll get to dive into your particular situation and find some answers!

In addition to video content and some related blog posts, I’ll be creating some speedy worksheet downloads that will help with the process.

Here’s a supplemental piece for this video! Is is Free? You bet.

View: worksheet


Now for the amazing part.

From the get-go you can make passive income from this series…Right now.

It’s 50/50 profit split.

Just watch the video below and embed it on your website. (twitter and Facebook shares work too)

Here’s the Affiliate link, to take part in the income portion. It only takes a moment to sign up.

This video is a PREVIEW to the introduction of the series. The first video goes into the 2 BIG RULES needed to  be successful as a writer on the side. Do you have to be a mom or a Christian to view it or use the advice?

Nope. That’s just my niche for this endeavor.

Start by watching the preview. For less than a taco to can see the first video in what will be a super helpful series. Then, if you want to be part of the profits, embed it on your website. Only TWO people have to view it for you to make your money back. (That’s the beauty of a 50/50 split!)

Then passive income starts rolling in for you. Sweet, right?

(These will not be available on YOUTUBE. So, come back soon.)


Once you watch the video, think about the two rules as they relate to you and write down YOUR answers. Feel free to share them here too, if that gives you a boost. If you link to your website, we’ll visit.

Moms, Don’t Wait for the Book Deal

In a conversation I had recently with some writing friends (friends that regularly write…and all of them mothers), I realized that they all were hoping to be discovered through blogging to land the book deal they wanted. It happened to a few people and they really hoped it would happen to them. They were really trying to make it work. It was frustrating for them. Some felt jealous, some bitter, some resolved to prove they could do it.

It’s really an out-of-date idea this blog to get a book deal thing. Maybe 7-10 years out-of-date, or more…though once in a while it works.

It’s like playing Powerball. It seems like you could win big, but you never do. It’s someone else.

There is a whole industry propping up this idea of landing a book deal too. Billions and billions of dollars are wrapped up in it. There are conferences, agents, tons of ebooks, paper books, articles, and whole websites to help you do blogging and writing better and to help you get published or build your platform that will interest and convince publishers. But the actual premise of all this is like the cassette tape. It worked once, and was considered normal, but now there are better options for your talents. Ones that feel more deeply meaningful too.

Discarded Transformers Cassette Tape At The Side Of The Road, Clarach Valley, 23-07-06

David Jones via Compfight

Over the next few months, I’m going to be going in depth about how you can actually make money writing.

It’s not by freelancing,

blogging and guest blogging,

selling website ads,

getting a book deal,

or self-publishing.

What could it possibly be then?

More on that soon!

It’s also about a entire shift in what success means.
The truth about the dream? The “prize at the bottom of the box” of all that hard work isn’t the big book deal. Many with book deals will tell you the true tales of woe dealing with editors and publishers expectations, exhausting obligations, and accountants who repeatedly want you to prove you are a legit option. Then, in the end, you are left to market the whole thing yourself anyway. This doesn’t apply if you’re famous or infamous though. (Plenty of people try to drum up controversy to get noticed and it works for a few people, but it’s not a winning idea and can turn you into a bit of a monster, it seems.)

Most authors don’t sell more than 1,000 books. Most. (My agent told me that.) When then do sell any, they get about a $1 or less per copy in royalties. Some dream!

That is a terrible return on all the hard work and the time invested. The other options are better ones. The prize you thought you wanted? It doesn’t exist. Not really. That’s the secret they won’t tell you. They can’t tell you that! The industry still needs you to believe that the prize is good enough and still available. The sooner you make a new path for yourself, the better off you are.

But, that doesn’t mean your dream of success should be over and your talents unused. Not at all.

It just takes adaptation and some cleverness. I’ve been consulting folks on how to make the shift, like I did. I’m going to open up the process for you too.

A few years ago, I saw the change was just ahead. Wicked. crazy. change. I did something no one would even think of doing. I had an ace in the hole, but I let my literary agent go. I don’t like to say “fired” because he did nothing to deserve it. I told him I needed to change direction and we amiably parted ways, and we mutually ended  our contract.

He’s a good agent with an incredible track record getting deals and has represented some best-selling books. He turns down most who approach him. He was really really surprised, obviously. I went on instinct. I decided to not stick with convention and the known outcomes in the “formula” to be a successful author. The machine of publishing is deteriorating leviathan. The better fit for me is picking my own path and utilizing technology. I’ll be sharing how in the next weeks and months.

I decided I wasn’t going to wait to get picked. I didn’t like the game. I decided to not be a part of a failing system that was starting to heavily rely on celebrities (all with ghostwriters btw) or gimmicks to keep their publishing houses running. I wanted OUT.

The move seemed asinine, at least on paper. (At that time three of my writing friends had tried to get this agent’s interest and got shot down, and I was letting him go? HUH? Since then loads of others have been rejected too. I had him for  the taking but I said “no thank you”.) Yet, it opened me up creatively to do my best work and find my own prize, not the phantom book deal carrot held out just out of reach by a whole industry propping up the slick myth.

It really was the day I went Pro. I’ll let you in on a few secrets I learned in the next few weeks and help you find a way to come into your own creatively as you let go of the false or shoddy promise of landing a “great book deal” or signing with great agent and making it big. That is so 90s.

Don’t get me wrong, authors sometimes get signed and blogging still helps get deals…rarely. But in the end of the whole process most authors are deeply unsatisfied or underwhelmed. Not just because they reap so little, but because they have so little control in the process, the machine of it. The good news is the gatekeepers don’t hold on the power as they once did, and technology has created new doors.

The book deal that seemed so amazing? I can buy her book for $2.99 at Ollie’s Bargain Outlet just 3-6 months later. (I do it all the time.) The system is busted, but the word isn’t getting out.

Stayed tuned for more. The gloves are coming off.

5 Ways to Make Money in These Hard Times!

One and Two Half Dollars
Eric Gjerde via Compfight

We’re in the worst jobs markets since the Great Depression?

Well over 23 million Americans are out of work, under-employed, or have quit looking for a job completely. It’s horrible, but that’s NOTHING compared to Greece where 1 out of 4 people have no job. There’s riots and everything.

Yet, none of this means things are hopeless. More creativity and persistence is the key to success!

Here are a few ways you may not have thought of to make some extra money. 

1. Crowd-fund

Crowd-funding is where you use social media to fund your business idea or project. Besides Kickstarter.com there’s



Peerbackers | crowdfunding big ideas

(I help people do this. More on that here)

2. Be an Expert

What do you know how to do or what do you a lot about that could help someone?

I like what The Art of Non-Conformity author Chris Guillebeau wrote on this in his post “The Instant Consultant

3. Talk to old friends.

Networking has always been great for getting work. It’s far more effective than looking at want ads. Use your email contacts, or Facebook connections to re-establish ties with old friends while you find out if you could work together or if they have any leads. The closer the relationship, the better this works.

4. Get business cards.

I custom design cards for my clients for about $60 (including printing shipping), but there are places online where you can get them yourself for hardly any investment. List your competencies, and get 500 or more. Then, reach out when you’re out and about, and hand them out. Don’t do this coldly. Really connect and say you’re looking for more work. They might think about you later when they spot an opportunity.

5. Get really ODD jobs

Is there something you wish worked differently?

Is there a service that would make your life easier?

If you see a need then one exists that is larger than just your needs.

Services may have very low overhead and still provide something valuable to people nearby.


Some ODD ideas might involve things like…

• pet care or related services

• specific delivery services (medicines, groceries, party supplies)

• specific cleaning services (decks, laundry, windows)

• after-school care

• salving items for re-sale (it saves someone from cleaning or selling items themselves)

 What was the strangest way you’ve ever made money?