Top Ten Signs that You Need Renewal

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Reflections on God [or what happened with the Jesuits, part II] Click here for Part I.
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Top Ten Signs that You Need Renewal 

1. Observable deficits in enacted Fruit of the Spirit. (i.e. less qualities of love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, and self-control)

2. You find yourself perceiving things others say as personally offensive, or as direct attacks.

3. You are “venting” more online. 

4. You feel unloved.

5. Posting on your blog or being active in social media, or online makes you feel significant. (Accordingly, not getting that sort of instant gratification creates feelings of emptiness or frustration.)

6. You’re writing about your stuff rather than really working through it.

7. Increased tension in your face-to-face relationships, while giving greater significance to internet-based relationships.

8. You struggle with at least one of the “seven deadly sins”: wrathgreedslothpridelustenvy, and gluttony.

9. You feel spread thin like too little butter pulled across toast. Or you feel toasted, or similar to toast, in any respect.

10. You’re in a creative slump.

If some of these ring true, spiritual refocusing and guidance will create more creative (and general) energy and renewal in your life.

What is your tip off that you need renewal?

Thankfully, some help is near. Guidance is at hand, and it works for non bloggers too! Search the category “blogging” for some helpful articles. Visit again soon, too. More resources are coming.

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Published by

Spark My Muse

Lisa Colón DeLay writes often on matters of the attending to the inner life, creating a beloved community, spiritual formation, and consciousness. She is also a designer, teacher, speaker, and host of the weekly broadcast Spark My Muse since 2015. Lisa is Latina (born in Puerto Rico) and holds an MA in Spiritual Formation and is the author of "The Wild Land Within" (Broadleaf Books) and other books.

3 thoughts on “Top Ten Signs that You Need Renewal”

  1. When you’re not blogging you’re blogging. Like when it’s all you think about. Like when it robs you of real life relationships. I remember celebrating my third anniversary with my wife at a beach and all I could think about was how to respond to someone’s comment on my blog. I actually pulled out my phone and took half an hour to formulate a response rather than enjoying and appreciating my wife’s presence. That is a sure sign that it is a time to pull back and reassess.

  2. Thanks for your honesty and sharing.

    I’ve been there too! Embarrassing for me to admit. When I first started up with Twitter many face-to-face interactions had like a concurrent track running with them, in my mind, as I would semiconsciously edit how I might tweet it. Twitter was like online social crack. Yep, it warranted a true timeout.

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