Threat Level “CAKE”

(photo is of sheepish cake pops…not BAhhhhd)


When was the last time you had amazing CAKE? I had a cake pop (like the one you see pictured) and I thought, “Why did I think I didn’t like cake. Hello, awesome!”

The other cool thing. 3-4 cake pops is about the portion of a typical slice of cake. So, hello, variety!

Want some?

Today, I’ll tell you how you can get cake FREE:

I was far away camping ( I had to drive 2 miles to get phone service) for much of last week and I didn’t get to promote this yummy addition like I should have. So, here goes!

I’m asking that you back this project, and share it with others.

Threat Level “Cake” means that the word is out. Backers get a chance at cake. Whoot!

That’s hard to beat! GO HERE to get a slice of what’s happening.

The offer ends midnight on WEDNESDAY (eastern standard time)

Creative Communication: Making the Most of Social Media

So, I’m now officially a Social Media Consultant. A Pro.

This blog has been about communication and creativity for a while now, and today I want to offer a few bits about using social media optimally.

If you have questions about communication or using social media for your new projects, leave them, and I’ll answer then in a future post.

1. Social Media is already over polluted by useless information and peacocking. So, Add VALUE.

2. Add Value by making real connections and conversations

3. Add Value by being a link to helpful resources (and not just your own stuff)

4. Add Value by being other-focused. (Limit announcements of what you’ve just done like: “Had a great taco, now I’m going to an awesome show.”)

5. Ask what other people think adds value…

(this is were you come in….leave your thoughts…)

A surprise twist at the end of this STORY…

I’m excited to tell you this update.

Some of you have been following the STORY of my STORY and here. For the sake of time I won’t recap, just click the links if you aren’t in the loop…

It was  lovely surprise, and I was taken aback on Friday. Well, in a surprise twist, and a gracious gesture going to the STORY conference in Chicago is now possible.

I’m blown away!

I just need to scrape together some lodging and a plane or train ticket. But, it’s GOING TO HAPPEN!

Choices: Plane ($266 + tax and fee via Southwest, trip take a few hours.)

or  Train ($168 + tax and fees via Amtrak, trip takes 19-20 hours, but I can really see the countryside)

Seriously…What would you do?

If anyone knows someone I could lodge with in Chicago, that’d be awesome. (Did I mention I was poor?)

I’m super stoked to record my journey and share it with you as I travel to #STORY2012. Look for more on this in mid-September.

WEDNESDAY’S post will be on using Social Media better.
With that in mind: 
How do you need help with this for your project? Do you have any questions about social media? I’m going to set to helping with this. Stay tuned.

Official Launch of “Game For Adventure” @Kickstarter

Snail Mail gets an upgrade.

It’s official. I have an genuine Kickstarted project accepted and LIVE.
Backers make this creative project happen and get rewarded in the process.
Or click image for promo video:

Will this Story have a Happy Ending?

CLARIFICATION: I initiated 2 projects at kickstarter. 1 is LIVE (and involves an interactive game through the mail)…and the one below is in the admin editing stage.

This project is about a STORY.

7/31 UPDATE! With some changes this may go through. I got some encouraging news from Kickstarter today!

7/27 UPDATE! Another twist. Today, Kickstarter declined this project on the grounds that it was “charity funding”. I have appealed because no funds will go to Little Free Library, but rather to my trip to share my essay about the organization.



Months ago…I wanted to promote the amazing organization called Little FREE Library; so I submitted an essay for inclusion at the September STORY Conference in Chicago. It was accepted to be featured there. I was overjoyed.

Then our car died. So, no money for the trip to the conference. No way to tell the story of the Little Free Library movement face-to-face.

This Story needs a happy ending in just 20 KickStarter days when the Project launches there early next week. Crowd-sourcing can make the improbable become feasible. And BUZZ is ensuing!

Will it happen? How will the Story end?
Stay-tuned. And, pitch in if you can. They make it VERY easy over there at Kickstarter to make sure great Stories happen.


Preview the project beforeit’s live.

Watch the video I made about it, check the details, learn the scoop on the rewards backers get, and please tell me what you think.


Aren’t you kinda curious?

The media’s been alerted, supporters are being rallied, and if we succeed in crowd-source funding, the entire Journey to STORY will be well-documented for all involved.

No twist, elation, disappointment, or irony will be left out:
• Photos,

• video footage,

• travel journal,

• and surprises are forthcoming.

Much gratitude and heavy doses of humor are imminent. 

It’s more than a little ironical that I might not get to tell my Story at the STORY Conference, am I right? It’s an amazing Story.

I thank you for your love and devotion, dear friends and readers.


(Bloggers: Help the cause. Copy and paste this Story into your next post. Let me know, and I’ll drop by and field reply comments.)