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Thank you. ❤️• VENMO: venmo.com/lisadelay• PayPal.me/lisacolondelay
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You can connect, share passages, thoughts, and ask questions related to the book, or sit back and watch. All welcome- but you must sign up have access.
Just pay-what-you’d-like or what you can to help. It’s appreciated. Thank you. ❤️• VENMO: venmo.com/lisadelay• PayPal.me/lisacolondelay
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• See some WILD art images related to vainglory and pride can be viewed for free at the link below. Consider supporting this work and find other posts from here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/54980483 😃
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You can connect, share passages, thoughts, and ask questions related to the book, or sit back and watch. All welcome- but you must sign up have access.
A LITTLE HELP, please?
• Most everything I create can be enjoyed for little or nothing.
Can you give today?Just pay-what-you’d-like or what you can to help. It’s appreciated. Thank you. ❤️• VENMO: venmo.com/lisadelay• PayPal.me/lisacolondelay
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• See some incredible wrath related-images for free at the link below. Consider supporting this work and find other extras here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/54566150Listen now with the AUDIO PLAYER:
You can connect, share passages, thoughts, and ask questions related to the book, or sit back and watch. All welcome- but you must sign up have access.
A LITTLE HELP, please?
• Most everything I create can be enjoyed for little or nothing.
Can you give today?Just pay-what-you’d-like or what you can to help. It’s appreciated. Thank you. ❤️• VENMO: venmo.com/lisadelay• PayPal.me/lisacolondelay
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• See the rest of the art panel and other incredible related-images for free at the link below. Consider supporting this work and find other extras here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/54301227Listen now with the AUDIO PLAYER:
You can connect, share passages, thoughts, and ask questions related to the book, or sit back and watch. All welcome- but you must sign up have access.
A LITTLE HELP, please?
• Most everything I create can be enjoyed for little or nothing.
Can you give today?Just pay-what-you’d-like or what you can to help. It’s appreciated. Thank you. ❤️• VENMO: venmo.com/lisadelay• PayPal.me/lisacolondelay
Listen to a recent episode:
• Help Spark My Muse thrive in these two ways:
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