God as "Other" (read: non human)

Lately I’ve been surprised to more deeply understand just how much everybody projects their humanness onto God. But God, though possessing certain human traits, is fully “Other”. “He” is not human. Many of the problems we take up with God, I think have to do with the humanness we have applied to him.

I personally have applied that “he” is a policeman God, manipulative, and bossy-wanting to be powerful. It seems the opposite is true. Those are very human traits I have experienced (been victim of) and applied to God.

What about you?

(experience/belief) posing a question…

While reading recently, I came up with an interesting thought. I was going to try to create a poll to seek answers from readers, but I thought taking comments would be more interesting, if people are willing to leave them.

Do you believe in God more than you experience God? (explain)


Our mind/rationale is a beautiful and helpful thing. I have also noticed how analysis can undo, or re-tangle, what the heart can figure out quite well without that intervention. Analysis may serve us better once the dust settles.

Joel asks… "Is coffee spiritual?"

Joel wrote… “You talk about everything being seen as spiritual, what about ordinary things like my walk at lunch break, or my habits I really enjoy, like my morning coffee?”

Joel, when we can look at the world with “spiritual eyes” our existence will awaken as we view the whole world like Brother Lawrence described as, “God’s book with messages for us.” In this way, many things become beautiful that may have been ordinary or common before. A walk can be a time of gratitude for health, nature’s beauties, or God’s goodness. In fact, monks are notorious for thoroughly enjoying coffee, and being spiritually present in the moment of doing so. Some monastic traditions have purposefully crafted coffee mugs with no handles, and made vessels too large to be gripped with one hand.

That way one can cradle the mug, sip the warm aromatic brew slowly, and relish the whole experience. God may be welcomed into even the morning coffee experience, Joel. Fill it to the rim, and enjoy! I’ll drink to that. Mmm.

Now-on to another big question! Any coffee brand suggestions out there?

Interesting reading regarding dreams…

Dreams: A Way to Listen to God, Morton Kelsey, Paulist Press, New York, 1978, ISBN: o-8091-2046-1

(As with every book, one might not agree with everything or find everything helpful, but I found this read quite interesting, especially because not too much is written on the topic from this point of view.)

Have you ever listened to God using your dreams, if so, how?