Words from poet, philosopher, and anam cara, John O’ Donohue on are tap today!
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🚩 As promised, here is the link to hear the amazing conversation I had with Jonathan Puddle and his podcast The Puddcast.
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Special Offer, “Wild Land Within – GIFT PACK” ends on 5/31/21 at 12:00 PM. Get it here:https://www.patreon.com/posts/wild-land-within-50103212
Here are events related to the Wild Land Within book.
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Today, I’m reading an excerpt from John O’Donohue’s gorgeous, instant classic from 1997, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom. The eternal is nearer to us than anything; just as the most familiar can be, or become, the most unknown. Let us pierce the facade of the familiar in order that we don’t grow deadened.
Featured image is CC Creative Commons by Code Poet: https://search.creativecommons.org/photos/401e0cef-1d07-4e91-84fa-fedbc809d5ef
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(When you support this work at Patreon, you unlock hundreds of extras from many episodes and get news on Lisa’s upcoming book published with Broadleaf Books – patreon.com/sparkmymuse) SparkMyMuse.com contains over 340 audio episodes, an online store, and resources. Enjoy!
This is Soul School Lesson 75 [SSL75] Scroll down for the AUDIO PLAYER.
(Feature photo is a Creative Common image by Clem Onojeghou. It was taken in Brighton, UK)
John O’Donohue – writes about “Anam Cara” (Soul Friend)
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