Recent discovery of transcripts of a little-known telephone conversation with Mary of Nazareth show why Jesus never had a varsity letter in sports.
(Transcribed while Mary was chattin’ on her celly.)
Hello, yes this is Mary.
I was wondering if I would hear from you.
Yes, I understand Jesus doesn’t have his permission slip to be on the Swim Team.
Yes, I realize he needs one before 6 p.m. today, but I don’t agree with him being on the team.
Well, because he doesn’t even know how to swim, and….
Yes, well, I understand that he walks on water just fine, or skims, whatever, but that’s not really the same thing. Actual swimming is done quite differently. It seems like an unfair advantage…
Yes, it’s surprising. He’s been quite an interesting child.
What? Well, yes, he’s small and short. He takes after me, not his “father” on that. Genetics are a funny thing.
I realize the chances for winning the Galilee-wide championships are on the line, but our family won’t be going around all high and mighty.
Why don’t we let use his gifts? Well, there’s a spiritual side to Jesus that you might not understand. He’s um… different.
Yes…..Explain Different? Oh, God. How can I explain this? I’m not sure I can explain, Coach Josiah, but I’ve been treasuring all of those things in my heart for now.
Thank you, yes, Coach. Thanks for understanding. Actually, it would be hard for him to make the meets; he has his hands full multiplying…I mean, making food for the prom committee. (They asked him to help because their budget is really low this year.)
No, he’s not much of a cook, per se, but he manages alright. I’m sure everyone will have plenty to eat.
No, I’m not sure if he has a date, Coach Josiah. The girls seem to love him, but he likes to keep things casual…on a friendship level. He’ll probably go stag.
Okay, thanks for calling. Good luck this season. Mazel Tov!
When you’re gone, Snuggles the Bear will hover over your sleeping baby, and drape a blanket on her. Isn’t it great to know child care is so simple these days?
I’m sure this commercial was made to be sweet, or perhaps so jolting as to be memorable. Personally, teddy bears rate right behind Chatty Kathy dolls, and right before Sock Monkeys for my childcare needs. Snuggles is really the stuff of nightmares…. or is he?
Have you noticed that it’s not the wisest choice to put words in someone’s mouth.
For example, I highly doubt teddy bears make good babysitters, even under the best circumstances, with the most eloquent, and most intelligent stuffed bears. It hasn’t been my experience anyway. The biggest problem is dialing 911. Their paws usually dial 991. It makes many parents leery. Me, for one.
Can’t the same thing happen in our relationships? Our perceptions place certain expectations or presuppositions that have little or no connection to Reality. How do our wrong perceptions change to be more correct? The simple answer: Deeper relationships, and a fuller knowing of the other.
Doesn’t the same thing happen in theology? (Our study of God, be it formal or folk.) You or I can determine what God is like, or what “he” is up to, but the voiceover won’t really be accurate.
1. The movements we imagine will be stiff and unreal.
2. Our humanity will skew our translation of God.
3. We’ll make determinations about his sovereignty, or attitudes, in ways that probably reveal more about us, than God.
And when all this happens, we make God into our own image. It works best when it’s the other way around. We grow and mature, as we give in to our Creator, and mirror those qualities of love, holiness, goodness, and mercy.
Is there a way to cut to the marrow, and perceive better?
Probably. I believe it stands to reason that when we speak of God, we must begin to understand “him” on “his” terms, not ours. We start with his nature, with God’s holiness, perfection, omni-benevolence, and mercifulness. If it were not so that God is thus, there would not be enough evidence or reason for all there is that is good, and beautiful in creation, and even in us. We bear this image, in part, as does the world designed so intricately by a Supreme Being we only begin to understand.
After that starting point, we continue what must be a humble (and unassuming) path to pray (ask, request) for the desire to know and love God, and to see God as “he” is. God’s revelations abound, if we have the eyes to see. I once was blind, but now I see.
What perceptions of other people, or of God have changed for you?
This sign is kind enough to give us an accurate bio and caution statement.
Like this sign, we all have sharp edges, but we seldom advertise as well.
Here the main fact: People are shambolic. You are, I am, and anybody else you can of think is too, at least in some way.
I like that “shambolic” is a word. I really do. Words sometimes excite me like a day trip to Atlantic City might enthuse a slots player. When I find a word that’s a good fit, or a new word I’ve never come across, I feel I’m part of a small but effective coup that has just taken back a fortress in Mediocre Illocution Land. I believe that’s somewhere between Middle Earth, Krypton, and the Death Star, but I’m not positive.
Shambolic basically means something or someone that is emblematic of being in shambles.
The cold hard truth is that people are either in the middle of being shambolic, just coming out of being shambolic–in the same manner as a person whose ferocious fever has just broken (quite ill, but just a bit better), or worst of all: one can be a person who is headed right for a shambolic state–whether he knows it or not. Actually, I’m sugar-coating it. Each particular circumstance is just half of it, our inherent weaknesses are most are the other half.
I’m sorry I don’t have better news, but this isn’t sunday morning church… I’m not asking for your tithe, so I have no need to butter you up, or put a little pep rally together. I can just tell it to you straight.
I’m not afraid to say, I don’t think there is a cure for being shambolic, despite how we seem to seek one.
Have you ever known, or have been a perfectionist?
Is this classic denial for a shambolic person? Bingo. Darn, kind of an Atlantic City reference/call back….um, not bingo, um…I mean, yes indeed! It is. Denial is what happens when we haven’t figured out what’s really going on fully, or haven’t had the courage to accept it, and move onward–grow.
But this bit of new is our reality. We are mortal and flawed. (Now don’t act liked you are shocked, you’ve known it all along…)
Be this as it may–We don’t have to just muddle through. Yet, being realistic helps us to grow personally and spiritually.
Here are some ideas for struggling through the human condition:
1. Full awareness/Humility.
2. Regularly reminding ourselves of #1 (afore mentioned).
3. Dependence on God (Higher Power, The Great Spirit, The Supreme Being, or whatever word for The Highest One, you prefer that happens to not be you).
4. Prayer. Meditation. Rest. (They’re all closely linked, so I plopped them in #4 together. It’s efficient, okay?)
So, I was thinking….
I have a lot of fun with my blog, but
Do people who want to gear their lives around prayer, also have crazy personalities, and really enjoy a good laugh? (like me) Are these things mutually exclusive? I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but Christians are not a terribly funny bunch. Okay, let me rephrase that.
Prayerful Christians are usually on the serious side. No, not all, but plenty of them.
I realize I fall into a very narrow minority. I’m an odd mix of God-aware and straight off the silly truck.
This is where Triple Dog Dare comes in.
You would not believe how hard it is to start the ball rolling to get people unified and interested in prayer, but humor? That covers a lot of people. It’s transcends culture, geography, age, and clothing preferences.
On Facebook, I’ve started a page, and I’m letting out all the stops. That’s some kind of euphemism for going hog wild, which is something hogs do all the time when they aren’t laying around in a contemplative fashion in the soil.
Triple Dog Dare is about having fun, sharing humor, and enjoying a great time laughing. “Killjoy” is never an adjective used to describe me. I’ll be posting a lot of photos that are ridiculous and comedic or ludicrous (or other things described with the endings of “ous”)- and stuff that probably doesn’t fit the theme here so perfectly. (It’s possible that I pushed it with the Crucifixion Pastry. For some reason some in the lesbian community really enjoyed that one, but I still don’t get why. oh well.) I’ll be sharing the tid bits of my ordinary life that somehow have a way of being extraordinary bizarre (in a good way), and hilarious. Won’t you please join me?
Why did I call it Triple Dog Dare?
If you’ve ever seen the movie “A Christmas Story,” it’ll make sense. See if this link to the video clip works. About once a week, I’ll Triple Dog Dare fans with some creative jape. Then we’ll see what results, hopefully in video, photos, and tales of adventure.
Will this blog get more serious? I have to admit, I have not a clue. It may get more focused, but I see some intertwining as a distinct possibility. Let’s see this new extension as all part of organic growth. I have an overactive Muse. So-Click & link up as a Facebook fan, and let’s get started!
Triple Dog Dare page (facebook)
Random question:
Which do you usually prefer laughing or praying?
Have you ever done both at once? If so, explain :)