Christmas time can be strange.
The pressure of donning Christmas spirit can produce mistakes.
Keep your sense of humor
When was the last time you wanted to wear this shirt?
This topic makes for easy jokes. Of course, the disgust of the general public has made some fake headlines appear quite authentic.
(Two have emerged as most popular. First is the one about the Denver TSA worker and the girl’s basketball team; and the other is about “Perry Cummings,” from San Francisco.)
SNOPES reveals the truth about these two most commonly-mistaken-for-true, TSA related headlines here.
Come up with one of your own related-headlines in the comment section, and see if you can last through reading these 7.
Let’s just say, it seems we have crisis on our hands.
1. Phrase heard most often by TSA workers, “Sir, that’s not a gun.”
2. Joe Biden admits thinking TSA stood for “Touch Someone’s Assets”
(Actual definition of acronym here)
3. Vegas Sex Worker sues TSA worker for not paying her standard fee-for-service
4. TSA worker offers boys candy before pat down, because “he’s a new friend”
5. TSA workers agree to mutual fondling with travelers
6. Advocate magazine names TSA work “Best New Job of 2010”
7. Texas Prison Work Release Program trains convicts to work as TSA agents. “Oh, yeah, man. This is my dream job!” says inmate.
8. [this one is for your to write]
In the video Father Chrsitmas (click for trailer) Santa gets ticked-off, grumpy, and self-centered…and takes a vacation. Huh? (He’s practically a jerk. Yeah, I don’t get it either.)
It’s odd also because, even though his vacation helps his stress level, he ends by saying, “Have a Bloomin’ Christmas!” From spending some time in England, I know that the word “bloomin” is typically used in anger, like, “You’re a bloomin’ disgrace!”
So, he may as well have said, “Have a bloomin’ Christmas and a freakin’ New Year!” Right. OKAY. So, there you have it!
It’s one more holiday weirdness to wrap our brains around.
For the final day of weird Santa week, I’m busting out the rest of the bad Santa photos in a Grand Finale slideshow. Voila!
Tell us which is YOUR favorite.
Thoughts? Comments? Questions?
Sometimes Christmas is Stressful. You’ve just had it. The kid in this photo is at the end of his patience. I imagine he endured being dragged by his mum or dad to do a bunch of shopping for Christmas presents for a few hours, and then they had the nerve to subject him to posing with Jolly Saint Nick, for some insult to injury.
Have you reached this stage yet? Is it likely?
Any responses, caption ideas, or Christmas updates to report?
The lighting and the faces in this weird Santa photo seems to point to a pre-photo backstory.
My proposal is that just before this was taken, Santa give little Buddy here a rap on the noggin with his gloved knuckle.
Here the kiddo is saying, “Ouch…what the holly, Santa!”
We’d like to read your theory.