I SCREAM, for Ice Cream

One of the joys in life is ice cream. Let’s be reasonable.

I considered it divine intervention that I was connected to the super fantastic Leiby’s Ice Cream, to be their graphic designer. And big things are happening. I just want to share it with you. I’m brimming with excitement.

I’m heading up their social media marketing, and so now they are on Twitter and Facebook too. If you’ve ever had their ice cream, or if you enjoy the stuff, please  link up with them. There will be new flavors coming, contests, giveaways, and plenty of FUN. Summer IS on it’s way.

New Leiby's trucks! Catch them with your camera, and you could win. See Facebook fan page for details.

Welcome New Readers!

Hello Schuylkill News readers. Thank you for coming!

Now we can continue a conversation I broached at the beginning of January. (see more below)


If you haven’t read the latest (free) issue of Schuylkill-News, click here to find distribution locations, or do a search for “Schuylkill-News,” on this facebook link, to see the full layout.

On this “January Epiphanies” theme, let’s first reflect for a moment on the quote seen in the article:



“Who can listen to a story of loneliness and despair without taking the risk of experiencing similar pains in his own heart and even losing his precious peace of mind? In short: Who can take away suffering without entering it?”-Henri Nouwen (1932-1996)

I encourage you to leave comments, thoughts, questions, or answer in reply to this question I now pose:

*When has someone entered your life or struggles, to help you. Or, when have you done this for someone else? (Anonymous comments are welcome, too.)

*In your opinion, what are some things we learn from these times of surprising grace?