5 Things I want to Teach my Kids this Christmas

1. People always matter more than things.

2. Be grateful because you are blessed. Many will have a sad or lonely Christmastime.

3. Giving causes joy (which is sturdy happiness).

4. Hope came as a baby. Hope is how we carry on. Sometimes lighting a candle helps us remember this.

5. Hugs and kisses make some of the best gifts.

What Things do you want to teach your kids this Christmas? No kids? Then leave your suggestions for the rest of us blind beggars.

A Picture of Survival

Yesterday, we took this photo on a cell phone at Duff Park in Murrysville, PA. [I apologize for the low quality.]

I really wanted to share this because the image is a fantastic visual example of survival. Look carefully. The red square shows where the tree started. Perhaps some rocks gave way underneath it. Has that ever happened to you?

It seems that for some time the tree was pointed down, away from live-giving sunlight.

But what happened after years of struggle and persistence?

Growth. Survival. Resilience. Vigor. A Healthy (though precariously placed) Tree.

How can you survive when the bottom drops out? Grow up. :)

"I will survive," said the tree.

My prayer of thanksgiving: God, thank you for this example and inspiration from your created world.

What are your reflections, thoughts, or comments?