Adventures with the Smuckers

What’s crazier than leaving everything behind, talking your wife and four little kids for a wild cross-country adventure in a big blue bus called Willie?

I. don’t. know.

It’s my proverbial nightmare, but I loved reading about what Shawn and Maile Smucker did and learned along the way. Some close shaves, some breakdowns, some tantrums, and some tender moments had me intermittently cringing and smiling.

You hear from both sides of the marital duo in this real life travel tale, and as the book progresses, the virtues of both of them are refined and deepened.

I’m sure there will be a lot of talk about this book release today. You can follow along on Twitter by searching  #RunawayTruckRamp


Shawn Smucker is the author of How to Use a Runaway Truck Ramp and Building a Life Out of Words. He lives in Lancaster County, PA with his wife Maile and their four children. You can find him on Twitter and Facebook, and he blogs (almost) daily at Maile blogs at

Evil & The Justice of God

 “When people deny the humanity of others, they become evil themselves.”  -N.T. Wright


I’m preparing to do a quarter of a year (January-March) teaching with the themes and the companion videos of Tom Wright’s book Evil and the Justice of God.

We’ll be tackling some tough territory:

• Why is there so much Evil in the world? (More than ever?)

• Why does God let it happen and what, if anything, is God doing really about it? (What’s going on?)

• How does the Bible approach the subject? (Whoa. Lots of common misunderstandings here!)

• How does Justice work? (Revenge, Justice, Mercy, we’ll be sorting that out.)

• What is our role or best response with regards to Evil? (Do we stand against it, roll over, avoid it, bear it? The answers may surprise you.)

If you can’t make the classes Sundays 9:30-10:15 a.m. at Bethesda, I’ll be highlighting items here as I work on it and as I teach.

Here’s an intro video trailer. The book is remarkable. I highly recommend it.

The Cadre is forming

Starting February 2013 there will be a learning and friendship group (a.k.a. The Cadre) with the public hub here Spaces are limited for the core group, but all are welcomed to request admittance and view the public fulcrum The Cadre 360.

I invite you to learn more by clicking the tab (The Cadre) above also.

Hope (art in the Spoken Word)

This is a video, a Advent Meditation. I met Tammy in person this September. She lives in Community in Chicago, and they received me as their guest. I always find her raw honesty and artistic sensibilities inspirational. This video is part of a larger series…

As you watch it, listen. Listen well. Listen 2 or 3 times, because it’s full and rich and good for you. Absorb it and experience hope.

(to read the words, click here)