December Pause [SSL 339]

A time for a pause for our high resolve.

The Quarterly Theme is ENCOUNTER
For December this includes the topic: PAUSE

Share your reflections of your pause here:

STILL Announcement

I hope you will all be there in a few weeks online with me and others for this annual event that makes welcoming a new year lovely and bright.

Try this link:

The Lord is slow to anger and rich in love [SSL 337]

This post is part update and part restful reflection that might be the perfect break from election-related mayhem. Sometimes we need a perspective shift and I hope this helps! 

To find the chapter to read for yourself go here:

Find me also on YouTube and subscribe ⭐️ at the main channel HERE,
especially if you already enjoy YouTube.

An Altar in the World: Feeling Pain [SSL 326]

A powerful reading and short reflection on the incarnational aspects of pain from the fantastic book An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith by Barbara Brown Taylor.

Find me also on YouTube and subscribe ⭐️ at the main channel HERE,
especially if you already enjoy YouTube.

Expectation as Patience: Henri Nouwen [SSL325]

Today is about expectation as a gateway to patience AND to joy. A reading from “Out of Solitude” a 1974 work by Henri Nouwen (1932-1996)

Find me also on YouTube and subscribe ⭐️ at the main channel HERE,
especially if you already enjoy YouTube.

Treachery and Remorse [SSL 324]

Today a portion of a lesson I presented this past Sunday at my church on Psalm 51 a lamenting and remorseful poem/song and the background and story of King David’s epic treacheries. It might surprise you.

Find me also on YouTube and subscribe ⭐️go here or subscribe at the main channel HERE,
especially if you already find yourself poking around YoutTube.